Chalk teeth are becoming more and more common |

Chalk teeth are a mineralization disorder: “The teeth are regarding ten times as soft as normal teeth. You can imagine them like honeycombs. These cavities are not empty, but full of proteins that are not broken down as part of the enamel formation .”« This is how Professor Dr. dr Norbert Krämer, Head of the Polyclinic for Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Giessen, describes the phenomenon. This means that the teeth also often become discolored, react very sensitively to heat and cold and develop tooth decay more frequently. Experts also refer to the disorder as molar incisor hypomineralization, or MIH for short. It affects teeth that mineralize early, even following birth – the first large molars are particularly common. “But we now see MIH on all permanent teeth,” says Kramer.

Chalking teeth are becoming more common

According to the German Oral Health Study from 2016, more than a quarter of twelve-year-olds suffer from chalking teeth. This means that the proportion in this age group is even higher than in the case of tooth decay. According to Krämer, this study also included other structural damage to the teeth in addition to MIH. “Reliable nationwide figures specifically for this clinical picture are missing.” According to regional studies, the number of cases is increasing rapidly: in Hesse, for example, the proportion of children with chalk teeth increased by 59 percent from 2003 to 2015.

Researchers still know little regarding the causes of chalk teeth. According to new research, frequent respiratory diseases in the first year of life might play a role
play, which lead to a lack of oxygen in the blood. This in turn influences the enamel formation of the teeth. “In this context, antibiotics are often administered, which can also be a possible trigger. The administration of anti-labor drugs at birth is also discussed as a cause,” says Krämer. In addition, a lack of calcium is conceivable as a cause, which doctors have found more and more often in children in recent years. Hormonally active substances such as bisphenol A, which is found in many plastic objects such as baby pacifiers, plastic dishes or tins, are also suspected. Studies with rats have already shown a connection to the development of MIH. However, human studies are still lacking.

According to Krämer, more research is required to clearly clarify the causes and also to make preventive measures possible. “When it comes to tooth decay, one thing is clear: avoid sugar, brush your teeth regularly and carefully, apply fluoride. So far, we can’t give any advice on how to avoid chalky teeth,” says Krämer. An unsatisfactory situation, since the disorder can accompany many affected children into adulthood.

Regularly to the dentist

Nevertheless, parents can do something, namely take the three first check-ups at the dentist, also known as FU for short (early detection check-ups for
Children). “In the case of MIH, the FU3 examination is particularly important. Here I recommend that parents have this appointment made at the end of the recommended period, between
the 30th and 33rd month of life. Then the second milk molars are often already visible. If a mineralization disorder is detected here, the risk of MIH in the permanent teeth is eleven times higher,” explains Krämer. In this case, you need a check-up every four to six months, during which the teeth are cleaned and treated with fluoride Preventing tooth decay and closely observing the development of enamel, because as always, the earlier chalk teeth are detected, the better the chances of treatment preventing permanent damage to the teeth.



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