Chalco has been hit by heavy rains for 12 days

Chalco has been hit by heavy rains for 12 days

CHALCO (El Universal).— “They should go through all the affected streets, on Huicholes and Xochiquetzal streets we still have water inside the houses,” said Ana Lilia Cruz, a resident of the Culturas de México neighborhood, where many families have been under sewage for 12 days.

This is one of the complaints that have been echoed by the victims of the communities that are facing the worst flooding in the last 40 years in that area of ​​Chalco.

“The water level on Tarahumaras Street is still very high and Huehuecoyotl Street is very muddy and no help has arrived for several days, houses are under water, I hope we will soon have some help,” said Gabina Torres, one of the residents of Chalco.

Although local authorities say that water levels have decreased in the streets in recent hours, residents of Culturas de México and Jacalones say that there are still residual liquids in dozens of homes and are demanding urgent help because they have already been in a state of emergency for 12 days.

“There is also a lot of mud in Jacalones and the water has yet to go down, but we hope they can resolve the problem so it doesn’t happen again,” said Lea Rodríguez, another of the residents affected by the storm that occurred on August 2.

The hydraulic teams that were sent by the authorities of the three levels of government to the areas with the highest concentration of accumulated liquid continue working without ceasing to remove it, but the drainage network remains saturated, the drains are visible to the naked eye at their maximum capacity, with no space to receive more discharges.

This is what worries the residents, that the situation does not seem to improve as they would like.

Many of these residents have not been able to go to work and some have not even gone out to buy groceries.

Brigades made up of local and state public servants, as well as members of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena), the Navy and the National Guard have gone to homes to deliver food rations since the state of emergency was declared, requested last week by the Morena mayor, Miguel Gutiérrez.

On Tuesday morning, the sun’s rays seemed to give new hope to the victims that the crisis they have been facing for 12 days will soon end, although the forecasts of rain worry them because if that happens, the streets will be flooded again because the obsolete hydraulic network in that area of ​​Chalco does not have the capacity to drain it.

Mayor Miguel Gutiérrez announced that cleaning, dredging and disinfection work continues in the areas where there is no more liquid, and the mud that was concentrated in houses and public roads has also been removed.

He also guaranteed that public servants from the federal, state and municipal governments will deliver food to residents who are unable to cook because their stoves and other household appliances were damaged by the contingency.

Brigades from the Health Institute set up modules to vaccinate residents and prevent the spread of diseases, mainly among children and the elderly.

Chalco Floods

Residents of Chalco have had their homes flooded with sewage for 12 days.

Unable to get out

Many of these residents have not been able to go to work and some have not even gone out to buy groceries.

Official support

Brigades made up of local and state public servants, as well as members of the Sedena Marina and the National Guard, have gone to homes to deliver food rations since the state of emergency was declared, requested last week by the Morena mayor, Miguel Gutiérrez.

Cleaning tasks

The mayor announced that cleaning, dredging and disinfection work continues at the points where there is no longer liquid.

#Chalco #hit #heavy #rains #days
2024-08-20 16:45:27



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