Chaco votes this Sunday under the impact of the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski

2023-06-18 09:00:00

The disappearance and presumed femicide of Cecilia Stzyzowski still keeps the province of Chacoboth because of the lurid details of the case and because of political link at the local level of the Family Senawhich has three of its members arrested and investigated by the Justice.

In this panorama, the Chaqueños they will have to vote this sundayin the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory elections (PASO) that will be held there to define candidates for governor, vice, mayors and provincial deputies, in addition to other positions.

One of the central actors of the day will be the current governor, Jorge Capitanichthe most important leader of the province, who will seek re-election.

In the preview, what seemed like a relatively accessible to the agentbecame more complex this week, following two figures related to their sector, Emerenciano Seine y Marcela Acunapre-candidate for provincial deputy and pre-candidate for mayor of Resistencia, respectively, will be implicated, with his son Cesarin the disappearance and apparent femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski.

A piece of information revealed yesterday, hours before the elections began, linked the governor even more politically with the Sena, when it was confirmed that the Chaco government delivered close to $140 million pesos to the foundation it controlled the detained family

As reported by the official website of the province, the funds had been authorized for home constructionin contracts that were paid per month, in an amount close to $25 million, from Banco de Chaco.

Choca goes to PASO this Sunday: who are the candidates.

In addition to Capitanich himself, there will be four other Peronist candidates this Sunday, one of them that will go inside the pro-government Chaqueño Front, which the provincial president is expected to easily overcome, and three remaining that will compete outside.

Ismael Walter Espinoza will be the one who faces the governor internally, while Gustavo Martinezcurrent mayor of Resistencia; Sunday Peppo, former governor of Chaco; and Juan Carlos Bacileff Ivanoffformer vice-governor of Capitanich himself, all of Justicialista origin, They will appear outside the ruling party.

In opposition, Together for Change appears as the main force, which will present two lists this time. One led by the pharmaceutical businessman and agricultural producer, Juan Carlos Polinicalled “Order and Work”, and another by the provincial legislator, Leandro Zderocalled «Chaco Cambia».

Two liberal spaces will also be part of the game, “La Libertad Avanza” that leads as a candidate for Alfredo “Capi” Rodriguez and “Libertarians in Action” that promoted the nomination of Ruben Galassi. The left, for its part, will have representation with Cesar German Baezof the Labor Party.

#Chaco #votes #Sunday #impact #femicide #Cecilia #Strzyzowski



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