Chaco Communities Receive Over 4 Million Liters of Water from Government Support

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Since the beginning of the operation to date, a total of 4,650,000 liters of the vital liquid have been provided to families in the departments of Presidente Hayes, Boquerón and Alto Paraguay.

Within the framework of Operation “Y Jeroja II”, the eleventh contingent departed from the Army Command Headquarters, with 28 tanker trucks belonging to the Armed Forces of the Nation, other State Institutions and the private sector, transporting 415,000 liters of drinking water for distribution in communities in Chaco.

In recent weeks, more than 1,400 residents of the Paraguayan Chaco have been supplied with drinking water through coordinated efforts between various municipalities and the Ministry of Public Works and Communications, which included indigenous communities and rural settlements that face difficulties in accessing water resources.

In the department of Boquerón, the vital liquid was distributed to indigenous communities in Filadelfia and Mariscal Estigarribia. In Filadelfia, the communities of June 10, Amistad, Jesubi and Santo Domingo were supplied.

Likewise, in Mariscal Estigarribia, the supply reached the communities of Laguna Negra, Primavera, Community 220, Santa Teresita, Campo Loa and D17, benefiting a total of 96 families.

On the other hand, in the department of Presidente Hayes, assistance was provided to the community of Pozo Colorado and its surroundings, including the indigenous communities of Neposen and Masedonia.

These actions are part of the ongoing effort to ensure access to drinking water in one of the most arid regions of the country, where water scarcity represents a permanent challenge for its inhabitants.

The initiative seeks to improve the quality of life of Chaco communities, providing a vital resource for subsistence and development.

#Government #million #liters #water #communities #Chaco
2024-09-08 18:42:28

What​ specific measures are being implemented ‍in Paraguay to address the severe drought conditions, ​particularly in⁢ the Chaco region?

The Devastating Impact of Drought in Paraguay: A Growing ‌Concern for the Nation

Paraguay, a landlocked country in South America, has been grappling with severe drought since 2019, with water levels plummeting in its crucial waterways [[1]].⁢ The⁢ drought has had‌ a devastating impact on ‍the country, leading to⁢ water shortages, forest fires, and a threat to local biodiversity and indigenous communities.

Severe Drought in Chaco and ​Floods in the East

The ‌western region of Paraguay, particularly the Chaco area, is experiencing severe‍ drought, while the eastern region is ⁤facing inundations ‍ [[2]]. This disparity in water distribution has put immense ‌pressure ⁤on the country’s water resources, exacerbating the drought situation.

Impact on Biodiversity and Indigenous Communities

The record-breaking heat waves in Paraguay have led to water shortages and forest fires, which threaten local ⁣biodiversity and indigenous communities [[3]]. The drought has disproportionately​ affected ‍indigenous communities and rural settlements ⁢that face difficulties in accessing water resources.

Efforts to Provide Drinking‌ Water to‌ Affected​ Communities

In recent weeks, more​ than 1,400 residents of⁢ the​ Paraguayan Chaco have been supplied with drinking water through coordinated efforts between various municipalities and the Ministry of Public Works and Communications [[text]]. The army has also⁢ played a⁣ vital ​role in transporting ⁢drinking water to ⁣communities in need.

Operation⁤ “Y⁢ Jeroja II”

The⁣ eleventh ⁣contingent of Operation “Y Jeroja II”⁣ departed from the Army Command Headquarters, with 28 tanker trucks transporting 415,000 liters of drinking water ‍for⁢ distribution in communities in Chaco [[text]]. The operation has provided a total of 4,650,000 liters of ‌drinking water‍ to families in ‍the departments of Presidente Hayes, Boquerón, and Alto Paraguay.

Distribution of Drinking Water

In the department of Boquerón, drinking water was distributed to indigenous communities in Filadelfia and Mariscal ⁣Estigarribia, benefiting a total ⁤of 96​ families [[text]]. In Presidente Hayes, assistance was provided to various⁣ communities,​ including indigenous communities and rural settlements.


The drought in Paraguay is a growing concern that requires ⁤immediate attention and action. The government, army, and private sector ‍must continue​ to work together to provide drinking water to affected communities and ​implement​ long-term solutions ⁤to mitigate the effects of⁤ drought. It⁤ is essential to prioritize the conservation ​of water resources, protect biodiversity, and support indigenous communities that​ are‍ most vulnerable to the devastating ‌impact of drought.

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) questions related to the title “Operation ‘Y Jeroja II’: Bringing Clean Water to Paraguay’s Chaco Region”:

Operation “Y Jeroja II”: Bringing Clean Water to Paraguay’s Chaco Region

Asunción, Paraguay – In a groundbreaking effort to provide clean water to marginalized communities in the Chaco region, the Paraguayan government has launched Operation “Y Jeroja II”. This comprehensive operation aims to deliver potable water to families in the departments of Presidente Hayes, Boquerón, and Alto Paraguay, where access to clean water is scarce.

A Historic Operation

Operation “Y Jeroja II” marks a significant milestone in the country’s efforts to ensure clean water for all. Since its inception, the operation has provided a staggering 4,650,000 liters of potable water to families in these regions [[1]]. This initiative is a testament to the government’s commitment to improving the health and well-being of its citizens, particularly in rural areas.

A Collaborative Effort

The success of Operation “Y Jeroja II” is a result of collaboration between various stakeholders, including the Armed Forces of the Nation, State Institutions, and the private sector. The eleventh contingent of the operation departed from the Army Command Headquarters, transporting 415,000 liters of drinking water to communities in Chaco [[1]]. This coordinated effort demonstrates the power of partnership in addressing the country’s pressing needs.

Indigenous Communities Benefit

The Paraguayan Chaco has long faced challenges in accessing clean water, and Operation “Y Jeroja II” has specifically targeted indigenous communities and rural settlements. In recent weeks, over 1,400 residents of the Chaco region have benefited from this initiative, with hundreds of families receiving clean water in the departments of Boquerón and Presidente Hayes [[1]]. This focus on marginalized communities highlights the operation’s commitment to social justice and equality.

Tourism in Asunción

While Operation “Y Jeroja II” is a significant undertaking, Asunción, the capital city of Paraguay, offers visitors a rich cultural experience. Founded in 1537, Asunción is a treasure trove of history, with its charming historic center waiting to be explored [[2]]. Travelers can discover the city’s colonial past, indulge in local cuisine, and experience the warm hospitality of the Paraguayan people.

Social Media Buzz

Operation “Y Jeroja II” has generated significant buzz on social media, with online platforms sharing updates and images of the operation in action. A recent Facebook post highlighted the arrival of the first contingent of tanker trucks, carrying vital supplies of clean water to communities in need [[3]].


Operation “Y Jeroja II” is a beacon of hope for the people of Paraguay, demonstrating the country’s commitment to providing clean water to all its citizens. As Asunción continues to charm visitors from around the world, this groundbreaking operation serves as a shining example of collaboration, social responsibility, and dedication to the well-being of its people.







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