CGTN: Mother’s Day: The legacy of love between Xi Jinping and his mother

2023-05-15 18:22:09

Beijing (ots/PRNewswire) Every year on the second Sunday of May, people around the world celebrate their mothers and express their love and gratitude for giving them life, love and care.

The family is man’s first classroom, and parents are children’s first teachers.

As the mother of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Qi Xin always nurtures and raises children with great love and compassion.

Deeply influenced by Qi’s words and actions, Xi always remembers his mother’s advice and never forgets why he started.

Parents are children’s first teachers

In 1939, 15-year-old Qi joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and became a staunch supporter of the CCP’s values ​​and beliefs. Keeping an eye on the overall situation, she insisted on working on the grassroots and getting involved in various positions.

“Work well, study well, and handle everything well,” Qi takes her husband’s words as her motto, and influences her children with her words and deeds.

Qi leads a simple life that has become a tradition in the family. No matter how difficult it was to take care of the family while working, she never gave up her job. Their lifestyle and family atmosphere have shaped Xi’s values.

Over the years, Xi has emphasized the importance of family, family education and virtues on many occasions.

During a meeting with officials from the first National Conference on Model Families in 2016, Xi said parents should teach their children through words and deeds, instill in them both knowledge and virtues, and put into practice what they teach. “They should help their children to push the first button in their lives and take the first step up the ladder of life.

As a teenager, Xi was given a simple sewing kit by his mother – a gift intended to give him the courage to face a difficult time and take “the first step in life”.

Qi has embroidered the words “niang de xin (mother’s heart)” with red threads on the coarse fabric of the duffel bag.

‘If you do your job well, that is the greatest piety’.

As a loyal son, Xi has always tried to spend as much time as possible with his mother. Despite his busy work schedule, he always found time to take her for a walk.

When Xi was unable to be with his parents during the 2001 Spring Festival because of work, Qi called her son and said that as long as he did his best at work, he would show her and his father the greatest filial loyalty.

“Son, I have thousands and thousands of words for you, but in one sentence: I hope you bear your responsibility well, no matter how difficult it is,” Qi told Xi over the phone.

Her words of support greatly inspired Xi to serve the public with the goal of achieving a good life for Chinese families.

As a teenager, Xi wished “that people would have a full meal with meat.” At the age of 60, he introduced himself as a “servant of the people” while visiting villagers in Shibadong, a village of the Miao ethnic minority in central China’s Hunan province.

As Xi said at the closing session of the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress, the people’s trust is the biggest motivator driving him to keep marching and a great responsibility he shoulders.

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Jiang Simin,

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