CGTN: China and Africa are willing to establish closer economic and trade relations at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

CGTN: China and Africa are willing to establish closer economic and trade relations at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

2024-09-02 00:02:32

The Adama Wind Power Project is located 95 kilometers southeast of Addis Ababa, in the heart of the Great Rift Valley, and has an impressive 80-meter-high white turbine. This project is undertaken by a Chinese enterprise and is a milestone in the cooperation between China and African countries.

Since being put into operation in May 2015, wind turbines have become an important source of electricity for approximately 600,000 households. They have helped alleviate Ethiopia’s electricity shortages, reduced the need for diesel generators and boosted economic growth. Some 2,100 jobs have been created locally, and several universities are involved in training and maintenance work. This practical experience has prepared many for future roles in the Ethiopian wind energy sector.

The city of Adama is also experiencing significant growth: the population will increase from 324,000 in 2015 to more than 480,000 in 2023. For nearby villagers, improved transportation, reliable electricity, and improved access to education and health care significantly improve the quality of life.

Chinese companies have brought advanced green technologies to Ethiopia and helped the Ethiopian government achieve its renewable energy goals. This cooperation also contributes to the green transformation and global response to climate change.

China and African countries have maintained friendship since World War II and have continuously strengthened cooperation in recent years through initiatives such as the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. From railways and roads to wind farms and power plants to schools and hospitals, China-backed infrastructure projects have boosted economic development across the continent.

For example, the Addis Ababa-Djibouti metro line connecting Ethiopia and Djibouti has significantly shortened travel time, reduced logistics costs, and promoted local economic growth. So far, the railway has transported 680,000 passengers and 9.5 million tons of freight, with a revenue compound annual growth rate of 39%.

The white paper “China-Africa in the New Era: Equal Partnership” released by the State Council of China in 2021 shows that since the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in 2000, Chinese companies have contributed to assisting African countries in building and transforming more than 10,000 kilometers of railways and roads. Nearly 100,000 kilometers, about 1,000 bridges, nearly 100 ports, and 66,000 kilometers of power transmission and distribution lines.

closer economic and trade relations

In addition to the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, China’s economic and trade relations with African countries are also becoming increasingly close, with trade volume growing and a wide variety of goods and services. China has been Africa’s largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years. Data from the General Administration of Customs of China show that China-Africa trade volume hit a record high in 2023, reaching US$282.1 billion, an increase of 1.5% over the same period last year. From January to July, China-Africa trade volume increased by 5.5% to 1.19 trillion yuan (approximately US$166.6 billion). ).

Sang Baichuan, dean of the Institute of International Economics at the University of International Economics in China, said that the rapid growth of China-Africa trade is due to win-win cooperation. The economies of China and African countries are highly complementary. China has mature and applicable technology, equipment and sufficient funds, while African countries have significant advantages in labor and natural resources.

“Strengthening trade ties between China and Africa is conducive to leveraging their respective advantages and vast markets, achieving mutual benefit and win-win results, and achieving mutually beneficial development,” Sang said.

Diane Sayinzoga, a senior official of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), also expressed her appreciation for the China-Africa Trade Partnership, saying that the China-Africa Trade Partnership has contributed to the economic integration and growth of the African continent. critical infrastructure projects.

She added that China’s aid is also in line with UNCTAD’s goal of promoting sustainable development in Africa by expanding manufacturing capabilities, expanding trade opportunities, promoting economic diversification and integrating African countries into global value chains.

The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit will be held in Beijing from September 4 to 6. Experts said that this forum will provide an important opportunity for China and Africa to deepen economic and trade relations, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and promote common development goals.

Sainszoga said: “The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation has led to multiple agreements between China and African countries on investment, trade and development projects to achieve common development goals, which is fully in line with UNCTAD’s mission.”

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