CGIL and UIL on the streets: the Government must provide answers on safety at work, healthcare and wages

CGIL e Uil they have taken to the streets again: they attack the government and ask to change its tune and give answers on work and safety, public health, taxes and wages.

Landini: the government listens to the world of work

Ten days after their last strike together, the two unions are demonstrating again in Rome to say “Enough is enough”. Enough with deaths at work, with precariousness and with amnesties. The general secretaries Maurizio Landini e Pierpaolo Bombardieri they do it from the procession that crosses the streets of the capital and from the stage: at least 50 thousand, according to their estimates, in the square. And they ensure that they are ready to move forward, to achieve results. «The message of the real country comes from the square, given that they are telling lies, regimenting and trying to control everything: listen to the world of work, which is keeping the country standing and can’t take it anymore», says Landini. Who then accuses “the government and the right who want to build a regime”, “they want to command more than govern”. And on the stop to the monologue of the writer Antonio Scurati on April 25th: «Allow me a play on words – he states again -, it has been blacked out».

Objective “zero deaths” at work

Bombardieri also speaks of “a real country that suffers, that has difficulty making ends meet and using health services”. Difficulties that the two union leaders represent by bringing a series of numbers: 6 million poor people, 5 million workers with expired contracts, 4 and a half million people who give up treatment. And then they focus even more on another number: achieving “zero deaths” at work. Stopping a daily massacre, which requires more incisive measures, including the introduction of the crime of murder at work. On the tax front, they ask for a “fair” tax system because, they repeat, it is always the same people who pay: employees and pensioners. «Make those who have never paid them pay. Of course it is complicated if you continue to make amnesties”, repeats Bombardieri.

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«Differentiated autonomy pure madness»

There is no shortage of attacks against differentiated autonomy, “pure madness”, claims Landini, underlining the desire to wage a battle “with every democratic tool” available. After having already started the four referendums on work. “We have no intention of stopping,” he assures. Another issue is that of abortion: Landini and Bombardieri speak of a “very dangerous regression”, of an “attack by the government on women” and announce a demonstration in front of the Senate for Tuesday 23 April, on the occasion of the examination of the Pnrr decree at Palazzo Madama, to also oppose the rule on the presence of pro-life associations in counseling centers and defend law 194.

Landini: “The absence of CISL? The important thing is to unite workers and make concrete proposals”

The distances with the CISL

This time too there is no CISL in the square. «There are different sensitivities» and there have been «other periods in which the union had different visions, we will overcome this too. Pluralism is an asset”, mutes Bombardieri, recalling that on May 1st CGIL, CISL and UIL will be together for “a great demonstration” this year in Monfalcone (Gorizia), under the slogan “Let’s build together a Europe of peace, work and social justice”.

#CGIL #UIL #streets #Government #provide #answers #safety #work #healthcare #wages
2024-04-21 13:52:23

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