This invention allows to capture 20 liters of drinking water per day from the air of arid zones

2024-08-30 06:00:08

The Earth, although covered in water, sees billions of people suffering from a lack of access to drinking water, an alarming paradox. This critical situation calls for innovative solutions, especially in arid regions where water supply is the most difficult. Faced with this global challenge, researchers from theUniversité Utah scientists have developed a promising device that could revolutionize access todrinking water by capturing thehumidity air, even in dry environments.

The Earth’s atmosphere contains an estimated billions of cubic meters of water. Despite this potential, current technologies for harvesting atmospheric water remain inefficient, expensive, and bulky. The new prototype developed by the University of Utah team overcomes these limitations with an innovative approach. This device, which is both compact and powered by a combustible classic, uses materials adsorbents to capture and release water in liquid form by simply applying heat. The prototype is based on metal-organic frameworks, hygroscopic materials with a particular affinity for water. These materials, compared to Lego blocks because of their modifiable structure, make it possible to separate water molecules from other gases present in the air. The team used aluminum fumarate, which was shaped into panels to maximize the surface area in contact with the air. A single gram of this material can provide an internal surface area equivalent to two football fields, which allows it to capture a significant amount of water.

The project has attracted interest from the U.S. Department of Defense, which sees it as a way to keep soldiers hydrated while operating in remote, arid areas. By funding the development, the Army is seeking to reduce the need to carry large quantities of water, which can be a logistical burden on operations. The prototype, which produces water on demand, could transform the way soldiers obtain water, easing their burden in the field.

Beyond its military applications, this technology offers a potential solution for civilian populations facing water shortages. The device could be installed in homes in remote or drought-affected areas, providing 15 to 20 liters of drinking water per day, equivalent to a family’s daily needs. Unlike other technologies, this one does not rely on solar panels, making it more practical in extremely dry conditions, and can be used day and night.

In terms of environmental impact, the choice to use fuels rather than solar energy addresses practical concerns, although it raises questions about long-term sustainability. The team at research is already considering improvements to reduce theecological footprint of the device while maintaining its effectiveness. With this innovation, a future where drinking water would be accessible to all, even in the most arid regions, seems increasingly possible.

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