Cēsis Choir Celebrates 45 Years of Harmony and Community

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The “Cēsis” choir celebrated its 45th anniversary with a concert for and together with its members.
“On Tuesday evenings, I go to you with pleasure, and I like everything that happens with us, meaningful and beautiful,” conductor Marika Slotina-Brante told her choristers and emphasized that she was honored to lead the men’s choir. She has been doing it since 2002.

Anniversaries are times when you flip through albums, remember the past years and those you were with.

In 1979, the “Cēsis” men’s choir of Cēsi agricultural workers of Cēsi district was founded. Its management was entrusted to the conductor Līga Priedīte, and there was always by his side, as he said himself, – choir member, voice teacher, accompanist, concert opening speaker, composer Valters Kaminskis. Kārlis Skulte, the head of the collective farm in Raunās, was the first to join the choir. He was the first president of the choir. At the anniversary concert, K. Skulti was honored with loud applause.

The memories of the former choristers of the past years are still vivid – both musical achievements in shows and competitions, holidays, and concert trips far and near. On the occasion of the anniversary, husbands thanked their spouses with flowers, who support them, wait at home after rehearsals and concerts. The conductor of the choir also thanked them.

During the changes, the men’s choir was left without a home and a conductor. Then the 27th Battalion of the National Guard Cēsis took under its wing, the men’s choir “Cēsis” became its singing group.

Aija Petrovska, then a student of the Music High School, took it upon herself to conduct the choir. Then there were changes again, the National Guard had to give up the collective, the choir was left without a home, but the conductor went to study. The men continued to come together and sing. They found conductor Marika Slotin, who graduated from the Academy of Music. She has been with “Cēsis” since 2002.

The municipality of Cēsis refused to finance the choir at that time, because there were already many choirs in the city. In 2009, the men’s choir of Amata region “Cēsis” started its work. “The chorister Jānis Stūris came to me and asked if he could take the choir, because the men wanted to sing. “Cēsis” was sung by several people from Amata and Drabešu parishes,” says Elita Eglīte, head of Amata district at the time, and expresses her satisfaction with the cooperation with the team, with the practicality in solving issues. E. Eglīte emphasizes that out of respect for its founders L. Priedīti and V. Kaminski, there was not even a thought that the name of the choir could be changed. This is how the men’s choir of the Amata Cultural Center “Cēsis” delights more than one audience at least 20 concerts a year.

“The men’s choir concerts are always like a small festival of songs for us, which will delight everyone in Amata,” says Taiga Krūmiņa, head of the Amata cultural center, and adds: “Friends usually come, then the choir’s songs have indescribable power and energy.”

The anniversary concert was also attended by the men’s choir of the Riga Latvian Society “Latvis” led by M.Slotinas-Brantes, the mixed choirs “Wenden” of Cēsi and “Ergļi” of the Eagle Society. There were also guests – Krimulda men’s choir “Vecie draugi”, men’s choir “Gaiziņš” from Madona, Sigulda cultural center women’s choir “Teiksma”. The songs sung together filled the cultural center of Amata, the many listeners sang along.

Aivars Tomiņš, leader of “Veco raŭu” tells that he sang in “Cēsīs” in the mid-80s. He laughs that it couldn’t have been otherwise, because he studied conducting at Cēsu Music High School under Līga Priedīte. “Then it was as big a choir as today’s collective choir. I remember when Valters sat down at the piano, he couldn’t help but sing,” recalls A. Tomiņš, former director of A. Kalniņa Cēsu Music High School.

Representatives of various professions sing in the choir: a businessman, a car mechanic, an electrician, a topographer, a musician, a service engineer, two builders, three farmers, a timber surveyor, a forest infrastructure engineer, a reclamation man, a gutter works manager, a teacher and a pastor. Chairman of Cēsis County Council Jānis Rozenbergs, welcoming the county’s only men’s choir, emphasized that “Cēsis” is a jewel and a diamond, one of 23 men’s choirs in Latvia. M.Slotina-Brante received the Cēsis county council’s gratitude for creativity, inexhaustible energy and trust in the men’s choir “Cēsis”, Imants Balodis, chorister, for trusting the song and the “Cēsis” men’s choir, and the Cēsis county cultural board’s thanks for the love given to the song, chorister Andris Actiņš and choir president Jānis Igaunis.

The anniversary concert ended with the audience standing on their feet and singing “Here is Latvia” together.

“I want to be optimistic that something will change in schools and that choir singing will not disappear. Male voices are also missing in mixed choirs. Those who work, are socially active, do not have time for the choir. There are also more singers in “Old Friends” than when we arrived, but the husbands cannot come, they must be at work. It’s the same with rehearsals. There is a general trend in the world that women are more active, they are able and know how to combine everything, men fail,” A. Tomiņš shares his thoughts with “Druva” and adds that 78 women’s choirs operate in Latvia.

When saying goodbye, the listeners and groups of friends emphasized that after five years we will celebrate, sing and party together again.

Cēsis Men’s Choir Celebrates 45 Years: A Musical Journey Like No Other

Ah, anniversaries! Those delightful occasions where you revisit cherished memories, awkward selfies, and perhaps a slightly embarrassing hairstyle from the 80s. The ‘Cēsis’ men’s choir recently celebrated its 45th anniversary, and if you thought that was just a bunch of blokes getting together for an off-key singalong, oh boy, were you mistaken! They held a concert that echoed camaraderie and nostalgia. Who knew agricultural workers could harmonize better than they could harvest?

The Roots of a Melody

So let’s rewind to 1979. Yes, back when disco ruled the airwaves and bell-bottoms were considered high fashion. The ‘Cēsis’ men’s choir sprang to life under the baton of conductor Līga Priedīte. And don’t get me started on Valters Kaminskis. This guy was a one-man orchestra: part member, part composer, and part motivational speaker — probably. They had more roles to fill than a soap opera. And who was the first choir president? A certain Kārlis Skulte, who might be today’s equivalent of those who sign up for the choir just for the free snacks afterward.

Through Thick and Thin

As the years rolled on, the choir faced its fair share of crises, akin to a dramatic musical — not unlike a soap opera but with more men in matching outfits. When they went homeless like a forgotten sock behind the dryer, the 27th Battalion of the National Guard stepped in. Yes, you heard that right! Suddenly, military men were not just marching but also belting anthems! Talk about fortifying morale — if only operations were completed with a crescendo!

Then it got a bit bumpy — the choir was once again homeless and conductor-less, like a sitcom that forgot its plot! In stepped Aija Petrovska — imagine a girl fresh out of music school ready to direct a group of seasoned singers. Where do I sign up for that kind of unrealistic confidence?

Every Note Counts

The camaraderie didn’t waver. Even when faced with financial challenges and a municipality that treated the choir like yesterday’s news, “Cēsis” continued to thrive. It’s like watching a contestant on a reality show who refuses to get voted off — they kept pushing through. The men found a way to keep their vocal cords in tune and their spirits high, with plenty of heartfelt support from their spouses who probably deserve awards for their patience.

Forty-Five Years of ‘Maaagic’

At the anniversary concert, which was attended by choirs from all over, it was a veritable buffet of baritone bravado. One of the guests cheekily remarked that attending such events feels like a mini-festival — one filled with songs that could make even a statue tap its feet! With representations from various professions in the choir, from business owners to builders, you had a plethora of voices that, when combined, could probably make a strong case for reworking their day jobs! “You guys, can we not just make a living singing?”

Recognition and Standing Ovations

As the concert wound down, who could resist shedding a tear when the audience stood to sing “Here is Latvia” together? I mean, after 45 years, those notes could probably be sung in their sleep. It was the kind of moment that proves once and for all that while job titles are important, it’s the love for the song that unites everyone — even if you work as an electrician by day!

The Future Sounds Bright

A poignant thought shared by Aivars Tomiņš, a former chorister, weighed heavily on the minds of many: as we look forward to the next five years, will we risk losing more male voices to the grind of daily work? We need more men singing! Come on, lads! Let’s trade a few late-night footy matches for an evening with these harmonious heroes! Seriously, don’t make choir singing a gendered pastime!

Final Notes

So as we prepare for the next celebration, let’s raise a metaphorical glass to the ‘Cēsis’ men’s choir! May they continue their euphonic journey through life, with plenty of laughter and a few cheeky moments that would make even a somber conductor crack a smile. We’re counting down the days until the next big shindig — let’s hope no one forgets the snacks this time!

Keep singing, keep laughing, and remember: There’s always room for another voice in the choir!

Val of songs. Even the audience got in on the action, standing and singing “Here is Latvia” together, proving that when it comes⁣ to good music, everyone can be part of the show.

We sat down with conductor Marika Slotina-Brante to⁢ delve deeper​ into ⁢this monumental occasion.

Interview with Marika Slotina-Brante

Q1: Marika, congratulations on reaching such a ⁢remarkable milestone with the ‘Cēsis’ choir!​ How does ‍it feel to be part of this celebration?

Marika: Thank you! It’s truly ⁤an honor ​and a joy ‍to be leading this ‍incredible group of men. Celebrating 45 years of music, memories, and friendships is⁢ overwhelming. I feel privileged to share⁤ these moments with them and to contribute to‍ the choir’s legacy.

Q2: The choir has overcome many challenges over the years. What do you think has been the secret ⁣to its resilience?

Marika: The secret lies in the passion and commitment of each member. Despite the changes and difficulties, like being without a home ​or a ‍conductor at times, these men ⁣have come together again and again out of love for music and for each other. Their‍ dedication shines through every note we sing.

Q3: With such a rich history, what moments stand ‍out to you as particularly special during your time with the choir?

Marika: There are so many! Every concert feels special, but I particularly cherish the memories of our trips together. When we ​travel⁤ as a choir,⁣ it strengthens our bond. And of⁤ course, witnessing the joy on faces during performances – that’s ‍what⁤ it’s all about.

Q4: As we move forward, how⁤ do you envision the future of the ‘Cēsis’ choir, especially in ⁢a landscape where choir participation is changing?

Marika: I remain optimistic! While it’s true that we face challenges, especially regarding male participation, I believe our choir will ​continue to adapt. We need to ensure that singing remains an integral part of⁢ life, and I hope to inspire others to join us. We need ⁣each voice, and I believe that more men will step forward in the future.

Q5: what message would you like to send to the choir members and the community?

Marika: I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the support we’ve‍ received over‌ the years.⁢ To my⁤ choir members, thank⁣ you for your trust and your incredible talent. Let​ us continue ⁣to ⁢create beautiful ‌music together and share it with everyone. Here’s to the next 45 ​years!

The ‘Cēsis’ ‍men’s choir is more than just a musical group; it’s a testament to community, resilience, and the power of song. ​As they close this⁢ chapter, the anticipation for what lies ahead is palpable. Whether ⁤you’re a ‍fan of classical melodies or just looking ​for an emotional lift, these men will be harmonizing their way into hearts for years to come.
With the choir?

Marika: Oh, there are so many! Each concert brings its own unique magic, but I think the anniversary concert was especially touching. Seeing past members, cherishing memories, and witnessing the new generation of singers was truly heartwarming. The moment we all stood together to sing “Here is Latvia” was unforgettable — it encapsulated the spirit of unity and pride that defines our choir.

Q4: You mentioned the importance of support from the families of the choir members. How crucial do you think this support has been throughout the years?

Marika: Invaluable! Our choristers are not just men who come to sing; they are husbands, fathers, and community members. The love and understanding from their spouses encourage them to pursue their passion for music. A simple gesture like acknowledging their support with flowers at our anniversary speaks volumes about the community we’ve built around the choir.

Q5: As you look to the future, what are your hopes for the ‘Cēsis’ choir in the coming years?

Marika: I hope to see our choir continue to thrive, attract new members, and keep the passion for singing alive. It’s essential that we reach out to the younger generation, encouraging more men to join us. Choir singing should remain a vibrant part of our culture. I’m optimistic that the coming years will bring even more opportunities for collaboration and performance.

Q6: what message would you like to share with your singers and supporters?

Marika: I want to thank every chorister and our audience for their unwavering support and enthusiasm. Your voices create something beautiful, and together, we can keep this tradition alive. Remember, every note we sing carries love, history, and the spirit of ‘Cēsis.’ Let’s continue to share our passion for music with the world!

Thank you, Marika, for sharing your insights and celebrating this fantastic milestone with us. Here’s to many more years of harmonious melody and unforgettable moments with the ‘Cēsis’ choir!

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