Ceremony of Offering Royal Ceremonies and Blessings to the King and Queen by Thai Prime Minister and Spouse

2023-06-03 13:54:04

prime minister and wife Presided over the ceremony of offering royal ceremonies, laying the bushes and lighting the candles to offer blessings to His Majesty the King Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of her birthday 3 June 2023

June 3, 2023 – at 8:09 p.m. at the main stage at Sanam Luang, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha and his wife Naraporn Chan-o-cha presided over the ceremony of offering royal ceremonies, laying a bush and a candle lighting ceremony to bless His Majesty the King. Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of her birthday on June 3, 2023, with the President of the Senate President of the Supreme Court President of the constitutional organization with spouse Cabinet with spouse Senior civil servants, military, police, civilians, private sector and public sector attended the ceremony in unison

When the Prime Minister and his wife arrived at the Sanam Luang ceremony, the Prime Minister and the President of the Senate stepped onto the stage. President of the Supreme Court Making a birthday in front of the portrait of Her Majesty the Queen, then placing a gold bush and a silver bush. and said to bring the auspicious blessing in front of the royal image, saying

Please pay respects to His Majesty the King.

On the occasion of the birthday of His Majesty the King That came together to meet another battle on June 3, 2023. I, General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister, along with all Thai people. despite having come together at this ceremonial area and addresses in various locations across the country as well as around the world They were overwhelmed with joy for coming together to show their loyalty. and bow in gratitude to His Majesty’s infinite grace today

I, the Lord Buddha, have revealed that Throughout the years under your majesty performs various royal duties both by His Majesty the King to attend various important royal ceremonies and to respond and carry on various royal projects in different areas across the country for further development and benefit the happiness of the people with royal effort and the water of His Majesty’s heart overflowing with mercy bring happiness and peace to the people and the prosperity of the nation On this very auspicious occasion I ask for royal permission led all the people to offer blessings as follows:

“All Buddhas Ask for a royal blessing with loyalty I would like to invite Khun Phra Sri Rattanatrai The power of Phra Siam Thewathiraj and all things sacred in the world Please take care of the inspiration under your majesty. Long live the King Prince Kasem Samran The glory spread far and wide Resides as the mascot of all Buddhas and the subjects for eternity.”
with honor

At the end, the royal anthem was played. The Prime Minister and his wife received a candle and join in singing the praises of the king Then the Prime Minister said “Long Live the King” 3 times, complete the ceremony

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