Cercado de Lima: man shoots to death a criminal who was fleeing after assaulting him on Argentina Avenue RMMN | LIME

A man shot to death a thief who was in full flight following assaulting him at the height of Argentina Avenue, in the Fence of Lima.

According to the news program América Noticias, Christian Santiago Falla Cotrina He intercepted the passer-by at block 4 of Av. Argentina to steal his belongings.

Once the assault on the pass was perpetrated, the thief he was attacked with bullets when he was boarding the motorcycle which was driven by an accomplice. The subject was left lying on the track.

The guy was stealing, he fell off the motorcycle. I hear the shots, I look out and see the guy lying there [en la pista] long. I heard three to four shots”, said one of the sellers of one of the stands in the area and who witnessed the event.

Rescue personnel from the Municipality of Lima arrived at the scene to revive the subject accused of assault. The criminal was taken to the hospital Archbishop Loayza and it was in that hospital where his death was certified.

The morning indicated that, according to the Police, Christian Santiago Falla Cotrina, 38, He would have a record for aggravated robbery and drug micro-marketing.

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