Centrist Sz. Assumes Leadership as Speaker of the Polish Seimas

He won the vote, which was seen as the first test for the three parties seeking to form a government.

“After this vote, no one can doubt that there is a majority in parliament ready to take over,” said 47-year-old Sz. Holownia, a former TV presenter who founded his own centrist party.

The leader of the Polska 2050 party thanked the voters and said that “they have given us, 460 deputies, the strongest mandate in the history of free Poland to represent them in this chamber.”

Sz. Holownia is quoted by Polish Radio.

“It’s a great honor, it’s a powerful obligation, it’s proof that Polish women and men are indeed a very mature society,” he said.

“Since this Seimas was born from such an unprecedented social upheaval, we have a very clear task during these four years – to prove every day that our compatriots were not wrong to stand in long lines at the polling stations on October 15,” said the new Speaker of the Seimas.

He emphasized that “politics is not violence.”

“Politics is a concern. This (parliament) hall is not an MMA (mixed martial arts) hall, it is a house of meetings and talks,” he stated.

Sz. Holownia was a candidate for Speaker of the Seimas nominated by the centre-left coalition.

Polish Radio notes that Sz. Holownia should hold this position until November 13, 2025. In the second half of the term of office of the Seimas, Wlodzimierz Czarzasty from the “New Left” will become the chairman of the lower house of parliament according to the coalition agreement.

In Poland, the speaker of the Seimas is usually called the second most important post in the country – he takes over the office of the president in the event that the president dies while in office or resigns.

“Ready to cooperate”

Poland’s newly elected parliament convened earlier on Monday for its first session since last month’s election, heralding a shift in the country’s course as Russia’s war in neighboring Ukraine continues.

President Andrzej Duda made a speech during the opening ceremony of the new parliament.

“As the president of Poland, I declare that I am ready to cooperate with the newly elected parliament,” said A. Duda.

“My most important message since the beginning of my term, since 2015, was and is cooperation and cooperation again on the most important issues for Poland. The door of the presidency is always open to everyone who is ready to undertake such cooperation,” he said.

Outgoing Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has resigned along with his government, but he will continue to serve on an interim basis, possibly for several weeks.

The 460 deputies elected to the Seimas – the lower house of the parliament – gathered at noon (1:00 p.m. Lithuanian time), and the 100-seat Senate a little later. Both houses of parliament are elected for a four-year term.

The elections on October 15 were jointly won by the Civic Coalition (KO), the Third Way and the New Left. These parties took part in the elections separately, but promise to work together and restore democratic norms after eight years of ruling by the conservative “Law and Justice” (PiS) party, which was in conflict with the European Union.

PiS received more votes than all other individual parties, but lost its majority in the Seimas, where it will have 194 seats. However, Duda, a PiS ally, initially gave Morawiecki a chance to form another government. The party has no coalition partners and its attempt to form a new cabinet is considered doomed. However, it may delay the formation of a functioning government by up to a month.

At that time, the opposition parties of PiS, which want to form a coalition, have a majority of 248 seats in the Seimas. The leaders of these parties have signed a coalition agreement, said they are ready to govern, and say they want to repair foreign alliances and unblock billions of euros in EU funds frozen by PiS’s curbs on the independence of the judiciary.

The coalition’s candidate for prime minister is 66-year-old Donald Tusk, an experienced politician who served in this position from 2007 to 2014. From 2014 to 2019, he served as the President of the European Council.

Piotr Mueller, the representative of the PiS government, admitted that it will be extremely difficult for M. Morawiecki to form a new government. However, he told TVN24 that Mr. Morawiecki’s duty is to try after A. Duda entrusted him with this mission.

If Mr. Morawiecki fails, Mr. Tusk will be the next prime minister, Mr. Mueller said.

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#Centrist #elected #Speaker #Polish #Seimas #Holownia
2024-09-19 03:01:08

What does Sz. Holownia’s ⁤election as speaker of the Seimas signify for Poland’s political ⁢landscape?

Poland’s New Parliament Elects Speaker, Signals Shift‍ in Power Dynamics

In a significant development, Poland’s newly elected parliament ⁢has convened for its first session since last month’s election, ⁤marking a shift in the country’s political landscape. The parliament, also known as the Seimas,⁢ has elected Sz. Holownia, the leader of the ⁣centrist Polska 2050 party, as its speaker. This move is seen as a ‍crucial test for the three parties seeking to form a government, and Holownia’s victory‍ has sent a strong signal that there is a majority in parliament ready to take over.

A New Era of Cooperation

In his inaugural speech, Holownia thanked the voters and emphasized that politics is⁣ not about violence, ‌but ​about ‍concern and dialogue. He stressed that the parliament is a house of meetings ​and talks, not an MMA arena. This tone sets the stage ⁢for a new era of cooperation and‌ collaboration in Polish politics.

President Duda’s Message

President⁤ Andrzej ‍Duda also ⁣addressed the newly elected parliament, expressing his readiness to cooperate with the new government. He emphasized that his door is always open to those who are willing to work⁤ together ‌on key issues affecting Poland. This message is seen as a positive signal, given the country’s complex relationships with⁤ the European Union and its neighbors.

Shift in Power Dynamics

The‌ election has brought about a significant shift in power dynamics, with the Civic Coalition (KO), the Third Way, and the New Left winning a majority of seats in the Seimas. These parties, which campaigned separately, have pledged to work together to restore democratic norms and repair foreign alliances.‌ The conservative “Law and Justice” (PiS) party, which had been in power for eight years, will now occupy the opposition benches.

Challenges Ahead

Despite the optimism, there are challenges ahead. Outgoing​ Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has resigned, but will continue to​ serve in an interim capacity for several weeks. The PiS party, which received ⁣more votes⁢ than any​ other individual party, may try to delay the formation of a new⁣ government. However, ⁢with a majority of 248 ⁤seats in the Seimas, the coalition parties are confident of forming​ a stable government.

Donald Tusk: A Seasoned Politician

The coalition’s candidate for prime⁣ minister, ‌Donald Tusk, ‌is a seasoned politician with a wealth‌ of experience. He has served as prime minister from 2007 to 2014 and as President of the European Council from 2014 to 2019. His leadership is expected to⁣ bring stability and credibility to the new government.


The election of ⁣Sz. Holownia as speaker of the Seimas marks a significant moment in Polish politics. With a new government⁣ likely to⁢ take shape in the coming weeks, Poland is poised to ⁤embark on a new path of cooperation and dialogue. As the country navigates the complexities of the European Union and its relationships with neighboring nations, it is clear that a new era of politics has begun in Poland.

Optimized Keywords: Poland, Seimas, ⁣Sz. Holownia, President Andrzej Duda, Civic Coalition, Law and Justice, Donald Tusk, ⁣European⁣ Union.

– What are the implications of the 2022 elections on Polish democracy and governance?

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Polish Politics and Government: Understanding the Recent Elections and Shift in Power

Poland, a country in Central Europe, has recently undergone a significant shift in its political landscape. The October 2022 elections saw a change in power, with the ruling “Law and Justice” (PiS) party losing its majority in the Seimas (lower house of parliament). This article aims to provide an overview of Polish politics and government, while exploring the recent elections and the implications of the shift in power.

The Political System of Poland

Poland is a parliamentary democracy, with a president serving as the head of state and a prime minister as the head of government. The Seimas, composed of 460 deputies, is the lower house of parliament and is elected by proportional representation for a four-year term. The Senate, consisting of 100 members, is the upper house of parliament and is also elected by proportional representation.

Recent Elections and Shift in Power

The October 2022 elections saw a coalition of parties, including the Civic Coalition (KO), the Third Way, and the New Left, emerge victorious and gain a majority in the Seimas. This marks a significant shift in power, as the PiS party, which has been in power for eight years, lost its majority. The new coalition government is expected to restore democratic norms and repair foreign alliances, which were strained during the PiS reign.

Key Players and Roles

President Andrzej Duda: As the president of Poland, Duda plays a crucial role in the country’s politics. He is responsible for appointing the prime minister and dissolving the Seimas in certain circumstances.

Prime Minister: The prime minister is the head of government and is responsible for appointing cabinet members and overseeing the country’s policies.

Speaker of the Seimas: The speaker of the Seimas is the second-most important position in the country and assumes the office of the president in the event of a vacancy.

Challenges and Opportunities

The new coalition government faces several challenges, including:

Repairing foreign alliances: The PiS government’s curbs on the independence of the judiciary led to strained relations with the European Union. The new government must work to repair these relations and unblock billions of euros in EU funds.

Restoring democratic norms: The PiS government was accused of undermining democratic institutions and the rule of law. The new government must work to restore these norms and ensure the independence of institutions.

Economic growth: Poland’s economy has been growing steadily, but the new government must work to maintain this growth and address issues such as inequality and corruption.


The recent elections in Poland mark a significant shift in power and provide an opportunity for the country to restore democratic norms and repair foreign alliances. The new coalition government, led by Sz. Holownia, must work to address the challenges facing the country and ensure Poland’s continued growth and development.

Keyword optimization:

Polish politics





Andrzej Duda


Civic Coalition

Third Way

New Left

Democratic norms

Foreign alliances

EU funds

Economic growth

Meta description:

“Learn about Polish politics and government, including the recent elections and shift in power. Discover the key players, challenges, and opportunities facing the new coalition government.”

Header tags:

H1: Polish Politics and Government: Understanding the Recent Elections and Shift in Power

H2: The Political System of Poland

H2: Recent Elections and Shift in Power

H2: Key Players and Roles

H2: Challenges and Opportunities

H2: Conclusion



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