Central Jakarta City Government Provides Vaccination for 2,546 Rabies-Transmitting Animals

Central Jakarta City Government Provides Vaccination for 2,546 Rabies-Transmitting Animals
An officer injects a rabies vaccine into a pet dog at the Taman Gajah RPTRA, South Jakarta. (ANTARA FOTO/Erlangga Bregas Prakoso)

The Central Jakarta Food Security, Maritime Affairs and Agriculture (KPKP) Sub-agency has provided vaccines to 2,546 rabies-transmitting animals (HPR) in the region since early 2024.

“The recap from January to August 2024 shows that 2,546 rabies-transmitting animals have been vaccinated from the target of 5,600 animals for 2024 in eight sub-districts,” said Head of the Central Jakarta KPKP Sub-agency (Sudin) Penty Yunesi Pudyastuti when contacted in Jakarta today.

A total of 2,546 animals that transmit rabies that have been vaccinated consist of 2,072 cats, 449 dogs, 13 monkeys and 12 civets.

The HPR vaccination was carried out in rotation in 44 sub-districts from eight districts in Central Jakarta and was carried out through outreach services by visiting densely populated residential areas.

Penty explained that this animal vaccination is an effort to maintain Central Jakarta’s status as a rabies-free city. In addition, this effort is also to make it easier for residents to maintain the health of their pets.

“People, especially in Central Jakarta, who have pets, should be responsible owners,” he said.

Therefore, do vaccination for pets periodically which must be done especially for cats, dogs, ferrets and monkeys. “So God willing Central Jakarta is free from rabies,” said Penty.

In addition, to achieve vaccination for 5,600 rabies-transmitting animals during 2024, his party continues to socialize the importance of vaccines for the community through the Head of the Implementation Unit (Kasatlak) of the sub-district and families in Central Jakarta.

Then, socialization is also carried out at every event of the KPKP Sub-dept. Penty emphasized that his party also collaborates with animal lovers’ communities or agencies related to animals that transmit rabies.

“We are certainly optimistic about the target because it is periodic, every year we have to be vaccinated to stay sterile. We will complete the target in the third quarter, we always collaborate at every ‘event’ so that we can get free vaccines,” said Penty.

In addition to HPR vaccination, the Central Jakarta KPKP Sub-dept. also continues to sterilize HPR to control the population and improve the quality of HPR health. This HPR vaccination and sterilization service is free of charge. (Ant/P-2)

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