Central African Republic’s Military Collaboration with United States: New Alliances and International Partnerships

2023-12-24 18:55:22

Amy BA Dec 24 2023 at 6:55 p.m.

The authorities of the Central African Republic have officially announced their military collaboration with the United States with the aim of training national security forces. This announcement comes in the wake of a diversification of the country’s alliances, following the breakdown of defense agreements with France and the cooperation established with the Russian paramilitary company Wagner. The Central African government expresses its desire to be open without reservation to various international partnerships.

Information reported by RFI and confirmed by officials in Bangui reveals the presence of employees of the American private security company Bancroft, who are preparing the group’s establishment in the country to offer training programs and invest in various sectors.

The Central African Republic’s ambition is to rebuild its army by relying on the assistance of several countries, including the United States, which offers to train Central African soldiers both on Central African and American territory. The presidential spokesperson affirms a policy of openness and collaboration with all partners potentially useful to the reconstruction of the country’s armed and security forces.

At the same time, the mandate of MINUSCA, the UN mission in the Central African Republic, was renewed for one year despite a notable abstention from Russia during the vote. The Central African Republic therefore seems determined to maintain a balance in its external relations, by forging links with various international allies.

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