Central Administration expenses were G. 33 billion at the end of July

Asuncion, IP Agency.- As of July of this year, a total of G. 33 billion, equivalent to 47.7%, of the current budget for the current fiscal year was executed by the State Agencies and Entities (OEE) that make up the Central Administration. This is shown in the report of the General Budget Directorate of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).

There was a 4.3% variation compared to the initially approved amount, going from G. 66.35 billion to G. 69.17 billion last July. The institution reported that this increase is explained, mainly, by the increase in consumer goods and inputs and transfers.

The largest amount corresponded to transfers for school meals and transfers from the Central Administration to Decentralized Entities.

There was also an increase in other expenses, specifically in the payment of taxes, fees, legal expenses and others, as well as outstanding debts from previous years.

According to the report, 81% of the total expenditure corresponds to current expenses, mainly for the payment of salaries to the Public Forces, white personnel, teachers and others.

Part of the spending was also used to pay for medicines, interest on public debt, social security benefits, including payments to senior citizens, and other social programs undertaken by the State.

63% of the budget execution of the three branches of government and other entities of the Central Administration was financed with Source 10 “Genuine Treasury Resources”, mostly from tax collection.

#Central #Administration #expenses #billion #July
2024-08-10 09:12:31



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