Center-right moves forward after investigations. The left trembles –

Look Brunello

From tragicomic to dramatic, it is the crackling comedy of errors on stage in Liguria. There is a protagonist, a top-level name in the Democratic Party hierarchy, abandoned in a corner to wait. Without even a helpline, to unload his energy. In practice, the fate of Andrea Orlando, the former minister of the Democratic Party who for two months has shown up at all the Unità parties, as the quasi-candidate to succeed Giovanni Toti. What seemed like a detail, «they will decide soon», «I have no other competitors», «Elly reassured me», has over time turned into an increasingly bigger problem. Also because the Democratic Party secretary at a certain point left for vacation and did not say anything, unlike what she did (in August) with Michele De Pascale in Emilia Romagna and Stefania Proietti in Umbria. Hence the “hybrid” state (and the anger) of the big dem, joined on the podium by Giuseppe Conte’s man, Luca Pirondini, the senator of the “revenge” of the M5S.

The Left in Difficulty Brings Out Fake Polls for Liguria

Andrea Orlando now looks at the clock, counting the days until his ultimatum: if by Sunday, the imprimatur from Rome does not arrive, he will clear the field and another candidate will have to be found. The issue is entrusted to a one-on-one meeting between Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte, which however is postponed by the hour: who will have to step down? From Campo Marzio it is the usual “song”: “The PD already has its frontmen in Emilia Romagna and Umbria”. Which means, do not ask us for other sacrifices also in Liguria. Luca Pirondini for his part, reiterates: “My candidacy is real. And it is not made by the M5S to reserve positions in the next government or raise the stakes, as some say. This is “a sign of the Movement’s assumption of responsibility towards the territory, a legitimate act of an important political force”. Certainly not a statement that foretells an imminent surrender, on the contrary the confrontation is heating up. In addition, the Ligurian nights are being shaken by the ghost of Matteo Renzi: the convocation of a “salvific” table is expected to ask the leader of Italia Viva to abjure. That is, the regional assembly will have to officially raise the issue of Genoa, the capital where Renzi supports Marco Bucci’s government, with two councilors and an assessor in the government. The former Prime Minister has already made it known that he is ready to make the sacrifice required, and to say that for years, the mayor of the Lanterna has been the most loved and the most cited at every level by Italia Viva, “how do you change to start again”. “From now on, if we are in the center-left, we will no longer be able to afford to be with the center-right elsewhere – promises the former mayor of Florence – this must apply to everyone, it applies to everyone, not only for Italia Viva. If we are all together, we are all together. We are ready to sit down at the table and discuss”. Will it be enough for the many members of the broad camp who in reality do not want to know anything about Matteo Renzi and his acrobatics?

Orlando's ultimatum to Elly: decide or I withdraw my candidacy. Conte's no weighs in

A diktat that unites the M5S, the Green Left Alliance, Ferruccio Sansa’s group, and a good part of the Ligurian Democratic Party. A distance that comes from afar, from when a Democratic Party candidate, Raffaella Paita, current coordinator of Italia Viva, in 2015, was greatly weakened by the internal struggles of her party (see Sergio Cofferati), before being defeated by Giovanni Toti himself. Once the candidate issue has been resolved, another equally difficult one will have to be faced: the program. For example, on infrastructure, another war of all against all is expected. In short, exactly two months before the vote (27-28 October), and a month after the presentation of the lists, the situation in the wider field still appears to be up in the air. The latest episode of the comedy of errors will take place over the weekend, an episode that promises to be tear-jerking.

So politics is held in check by the PMs: why that law should be abolished

#Centerright #moves #investigations #left #trembles #Tempo
2024-08-28 17:28:02



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