Céline Shines on Les 12 Coups de Midi while Making a Difference in the Fight Against Cancer

2023-06-12 09:18:54

Since March 14, 2023, Céline has successfully participated in the game show Les 12 coups de midi on TF1. She showed her skills in a remarkable way and was able to win many times, which propelled her to the rank of the 10th best player in the game.

She has already participated in 88 episodes, during which she won an impressive sum of 356,918 euros in the form of winnings and gifts. Celine is determined to continue her participation in the game throughout the summer alongside Jean-Luc Reichmann.

In order to make her experience even more exciting, a new rule has been put in place: during the “Coup de Maître”, Céline will contribute to the fight once morest cancer by increasing the kitty by 5,000 euros for each correct answer she gives. .

This initiative, which is part of the “Cancer mobilization, all together with researchers” operation launched by the channel, is a great opportunity for Céline to make a positive difference while continuing to play her favorite game.

By actively participating in this cause, she can not only help researchers in their efforts, but also inspire others to do the same.

Céline: childhood and complicated words

For this 88th day of the game, Céline was accompanied by two very important people for her: her husband and her father Pascal. As usual, the champion’s companion expressed his feelings for her. “All the love she receives in Les 12 coups de midi, from the whole team, from you Jean-Luc, from everyone, it’s magic for her. I think it’s really a rebirth for her. »

These comments raised questions from Jean-Luc Reichmann. “At some point, did you put yourself aside in life? he asked her. Celine’s response was touching. “I often forgot myself to serve others. I started to fade around adolescence, I was regarding ten years old.

My sixth year was difficult, I was bullied at school despite being quite outgoing. That and adolescence, it was a hell of a mix. The difficult words of children when you’re 11 years old and you’re full of them…” To cope with this period, she took refuge in the theater and opened up to others, whatever the price !

#Céline #Les #coups #midi #marked #life #painful #adolescence

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