Celine Dion fans protest in front of ‘Rolling Stone’ building after they remove her from list of best artists | Celebrities

On the Facebook group ‘The Redheads’, a fan club, Dion fanatics were gathered to protest in front of the headquarters of ‘Rolling Stone’. Some 15 devoted fans accepted and made the six-hour journey to New York. Once they arrived, Celine’s song ‘That’s the Way It Is’ blared through the speakers as the group shouted “Justice for Celine”.

On January 1, ‘Rolling Stone’ released their list of 200 Greatest Artists of All Time. She updated it for the first time since 2008. At the time, Dion did get a spot. “The list is ridiculous,” said Line Basbous, the founder of the fan club. “We want to support her and make sure ‘Rolling Stone’ hears the voice of the fans. The list is ridiculous. No Madonna, no Celine. They clearly target American singers and we don’t understand that.” ‘Rolling Stone’ itself did not respond to the action.

LOOK. An emotional Celine Dion tells her fans she has to reschedule her shows due to health issues

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