Celebrity equals courtesan?Scholars analyze the origin of “famous ladies” in ancient times, pointing out that famous talented women are mostly associated with rich people in modern times

Celebrity equals courtesan?Scholars analyze the origin of “famous ladies” in ancient times, pointing out that famous talented women are mostly associated with rich people in modern times

The dismemberment case of celebrity Cai Tianfeng (Abby) caused a sensation in the city, and the definition of “famous lady” sparked heated discussions once more. Xiao Xinhao, a lecturer in the Chinese Department of Lingnan University, said in an interview with Yahoo News that in ancient times, “celebrity” refers to a woman who is full of talent and high artistic accomplishment. However, with the improvement of social education, both men and women have the opportunity to study. Linked to the rich, to judge whether a celebrity is rich or not. In the mainland, there are even “famous ladies training courses” to teach the skills of marrying wealthy families, which makes the term “famous ladies” negative.

Writer: Lu Peiyao

Xiao Xinhao pointed out that “Ming” certainly refers to “famous”, while “Yuan” refers to a beautiful and well-mannered woman. Checking the information, “Yuan” first appeared in “The Book of Songs. In Erya, “Zhanruzhirenxi, Bangzhiyuan also” means “a beauty like her can be called a beautiful woman who overwhelms the country”; as for the word “famous lady”, it was first seen in the Ming Dynasty novel “Two Jin Dynasty In “Secret History”, “Han King Takes Shen Maid as Empress”, “The master inherits the ancestral temple, the mother comes to the world, and the queen is in charge of the land, and the empress must choose the world’s most virtuous ladies”, which can be understood as “famous beauties”.

徐子淇在 2006 年跟恒基兆業創辦人李兆基幼子李家誠結婚,成為「千億新抱」。

Xu Ziqi married Li Jiacheng, the youngest son of Henderson Land Development founder Lee Shau Kee in 2006, and became a “hundred billion new hug”.

Li Qingzhao was a famous lady in the Song Dynasty

Xiao pointed out that in ancient times, there were three kinds of adjectives for women, including “virtuous woman”, “famous lady” and “martyr girl”. Since most women in ancient times did not have the opportunity to study, celebrities were mostly famous for their artistic accomplishments, “good literary talents, poems, paintings, etc. Many ancient celebrities would have their own collections of poems and words”, and they were known as “the most talented women of all ages” “Li Qingzhao, a poetess of the Song Dynasty, is also among the famous ladies.


Li Qingzhao, a female poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, called herself “Yi’an Jushi”.

According to “Famous Women’s Poetry Talk” compiled by Shen Shanbao, a female poet in the late Qing Dynasty, famous ladies are not limited by family background and background, but they must have talents. They were also called “talented ladies” in the Qing Dynasty. However, Hsiao believes that most of the multi-talented women in ancient times came from scholarly families with a relatively wealthy family background.

Xiao continued to point out that due to the great increase in educational opportunities, both men and women can receive education, and the definition of “famous lady” has become wealth first. Well, everyone looks at M+, knowledge is no longer so prominent, but money is prominent.” He believes that today’s celebrities also have an artistic atmosphere. For example, Cai Tianfeng is a frequent visitor to fashion exhibitions. Yes, it’s just art and money, whichever you look at first understand.”


The late Li Xiao and his wife Li Lu Yanqun belonged to a generation of celebrities in Hong Kong.

Modern celebrities are often associated with the rich

As to whether the modern “famous lady” has a negative connotation similar to that of a “social butterfly”, Xiao believes that a famous lady should know how to socialize and socialize. “You are Li Ka-shing’s wife, and you have to say a few words when you go out to eat!” He pointed out that modern people The interpretation of “celebrity” may be affected by the social atmosphere. For example, there used to be “celebrity training courses” in the Mainland, which taught the skills of marrying wealthy families. Well, it can actually be so pure.”


Xiao Xinhao, a lecturer in the Chinese Department of Lingnan University, pointed out that in ancient times, famous ladies were used to describe famous talented women, but modern people tend to associate famous ladies with rich people.



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