Celebrating the Life of a Talented Journalist: A Tribute to Clementine – Franceinfo

2023-12-23 20:52:10

“The Franceinfo editorial staff has lost one of its own, a wonderful woman, a journalist of great talent, a friend to many,” the editorial staff testified on its site.

The young woman, originally from Deux-Sèvres and attended the University of Bordeaux then the Tours School of Journalism, took her first steps at Radio France in 2015, before recently joining the digital editorial staff of Franceinfo.

“His example will remain in us”

In the summer of 2023, she chronicled her life with the disease in a podcast called “My Life Facing Cancer.”

“From the beginning of January 2023, I started writing on a simple Word document,” she testified in June to the Western Mail. “Perhaps a little out of fear of forgetting, although I will never forget, this day of June 15, 2022 when the diagnosis was made. I have never told it in such detail. Little by little, other themes emerged. So I began to free myself from this weight. I said to myself: this is the time to speak. »

“She told her illness, her story in that of a universal story. She brought a lot to the sick, their loved ones and the caregivers. With such accuracy of words and emotions,” the Franceinfo editorial team testifies today.

#Clémentine #Vergnaud #journalist #Franceinfo #died #cancer

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