Celebrating Neuquén: This Sunday’s Anniversary Parade Details, Venue Change, Timings, and Weather Update!

2024-09-07 03:32:00

September 8 this year There will be a grand parade on the anniversary of Neuquén. it will be in one place Xincheng West The weather is expected to be fine. In addition, announcements of works in this field will be published. María Pasqualini, Director of the Municipal Office, briefed everyone on the details of the day black river radio station.

Listen to María Pasqualini on RÍO NEGRO RADIO

The activity is 120th Anniversary of the Neuquén Capital They will be performed on Necochea Avenue, where a dedication ceremony will be held at 11:30 that day.

“son More than 15 blocks of avenues on this streetthis is a very important flood job,” the official commented. this is a building Requiring an investment of 1.5 billion pesos What Pipe laying is allowed, Create a connection in that part of the traffic These include Doctor Ramón Street and Crouzelles Street.

Mayor Mariano Gedo also reported that “it is a two-way street. Solving the Necochea Canal Problemsomething neighbors had asked years ago.

Then the parade starts at 2 p.m. 120 institutions will open this avenue. «This won’t last long more than four hours«Pasqualini warned. «This will All citizens are present Because parades are what attract people,” he commented.

«Due to the size and 15 piece parade, chocolate and fried cake They will arrive there at noon, During project start-up“said the official.

Sign up Ongoing until August 19th, surprise Number of institutions that want to participate. Pasqualini didn’t know how to quantify the scale of the appeal, but noted that ““Only the sports club has more than 1,500 people.”

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Finally, he commented that the plan was “part of the march “It will be broadcast live”. Additionally, he warned those who must park their vehicles, Remember, the entire Necochea Street will be fenced off.

As for the weather, it is expected to be pleasant. According to the AIC, there will be some clouds, with a minimum of 1 degree and a maximum of level 18.

Anniversary parade in Neuquén this Sunday: inauguration and announcement

After the inauguration of Necochea Street, Mariano Gedo reports A new community will be opened in District 6, as part of a new subdivision developed by the city. “The services of 400 new lots were awarded through intermediaries, thanks to 90 per cent of successful bidders paying for their lots,” the mayor said.

In addition, he also stated that he also Part of the asphalt project is about to be completed including neighborhoods Valentina South, Conferencia, Grand Neuquén North and South.

finally it They will officially complete the work on the 26 de Agosto community These include sewers, curbs, asphalt, new homes for relocated families, all work being carried out by Neuquén municipality.

Furthermore, they reported from the city government that the mayor announced that on the day of the parade “A new historical plan will be conveyed Public works throughout the city are borne entirely from municipal funds.

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#Anniversary #parade #Neuquén #Sunday #location #timetable #weather

Neuquén population

Neuquén’s 120th Anniversary Celebrations:⁢ A Grand Parade and Exciting Announcements

On⁢ September 8, Neuquén, the‌ capital city of Neuquén Province ⁢in Argentina, will celebrate its 120th anniversary with a grand parade and⁤ exciting ⁢announcements. The event will take‍ place on Necochea Avenue, where a dedication ceremony will⁣ be held at⁢ 11:30 am. ‌According to ‍María Pasqualini, Director of ⁢the Municipal Office, more than 15​ blocks of avenues ⁢on this street will be ‌involved in the celebration, making it a significant flood ‌job that requires an investment⁢ of 1.5 billion pesos.

The ‌parade, which ⁤will start at 2​ pm,‍ will feature 120 institutions, including a gaucho⁢ parade, bonfires, and lots of⁢ dancing ⁤under the stars [[2]]. The event is expected to last ⁣for ⁣around four hours, and all citizens are invited ‍to attend.

In addition‌ to the parade, several announcements ⁢will be made, ‌including⁢ the opening of a new community ⁢in District 6, as part‌ of a new subdivision developed by the city. The mayor, Mariano Gedo, also reported that‌ part of the asphalt​ project is about to be completed, including neighborhoods such as ‍Valentina South, Conferencia, Grand Neuquén North,⁢ and South.

Furthermore, the city government ⁢announced that on ‌the day of the parade, a new historical plan will be unveiled, which will⁣ include the inauguration of a new community,‌ as ‌well as the completion of work on the 26 de Agosto community, including sewers, ​curbs, ‍asphalt, and new homes for relocated families.

The ⁣celebration will be broadcast live, and those who plan to attend ⁢are advised ‌to park their vehicles carefully,‌ as the entire ⁢Necochea Street will be fenced off.

Weather Forecast

According to the AIC, the weather⁣ is⁤ expected to‌ be‌ pleasant on ‌the day of ⁤the parade,‌ with some​ clouds, a minimum temperature of 1 degree, and a maximum temperature of 18 degrees.

Federal⁤ Parade in‍ Neuquén

In related news, a Federal Parade ‍is scheduled⁤ to​ take place‍ in Neuquén from September 16 to⁢ 18 [[3]]. The parade will feature a gaucho parade,⁢ bonfires, ‍and lots of ‍dancing under⁤ the stars.

Neuquén’s ‍Anniversary Celebrations

Earlier,‌ it​ was reported that Neuquén would celebrate its birthday on September 12, but the parade would be held on September 15,​ which falls ‍on a Sunday, to allow more neighbors to⁤ participate [[1]].

Neuquén’s 120th anniversary ⁢celebrations promise ‌to be an exciting event, with a grand ‍parade, announcements of

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions regarding the title “Anniversary Parade in Neuquén: A Celebration of the City’s 120th Birthday”:

Anniversary Parade in Neuquén: A Celebration of the City’s 120th Birthday

On September 8, 2024, the city of Neuquén in Argentina will celebrate its 120th anniversary with a grand parade. The event will take place on Necochea Avenue, where a dedication ceremony will be held at 11:30 am. According to María Pasqualini, Director of the Municipal Office, the parade will feature 120 institutions and is expected to attract a large crowd of citizens.

Investment in Infrastructure

The city has invested 1.5 billion pesos in the construction of Necochea Avenue, a 15-block stretch that will solve the Necochea Canal problem, a long-standing issue for neighbors. The avenue will feature a two-way street, allowing for better traffic flow and connection between Doctor Ramón Street and Crouzelles Street.

Parade Details

The parade will start at 2 pm and will feature a variety of attractions, including 15 floats, chocolate, and fried cake. The event is expected to last around four hours, and citizens are encouraged to attend. The parade will be broadcast live, and those who plan to park their vehicles are warned that the entire Necochea Street will be fenced off.

Neuquén: A City with a Rich History

Neuquén, the capital city of the Neuquén Province in Argentina, has a rich history dating back to the 19th century. The city is named after the Neuquén River, which flows through the province. Today, Neuquén is a thriving city with a population of over 250,000 people. The city is known for its cultural festivals, including the Neuquén Festival, which takes place every year in November.

Other Attractions in Neuquén

In addition to the anniversary parade, Neuquén offers a range of attractions for visitors. The San Martín Monument, located in the city center, is a memorial built to commemorate Argentinian general José de San Martín. The city also hosts a range of cultural festivals throughout the year, including the Argentinian Popular Festivals, which invite visitors to explore the city’s museums and cultural institutions under the moon and stars.

Weather Forecast

The weather for the anniversary parade is expected to be fine, making it an ideal day for outdoor celebrations.

the 120th anniversary parade in Neuquén is an event not to be missed. With its rich history, cultural attractions, and lively atmosphere, Neuquén is a city that has something to offer for everyone. Mark your calendars for September 8, 2024, and join in the celebrations!



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