Celebrating National Radio Day: Ivy and Molan Pay Tribute to the Enduring Impact of Radio SK

Radio SK “/>

Molan and Ivy Batuta (MI/Rifaldi Putra Irianto)

CELEBRATING National Radio Day which falls on September 11, two radio announcers, Ivy Batuta and Molan, reminisce about their youth growing up with the radio.

Met at the Mahaka Radio Integra Office, Wednesday (11/9), they revealed one of their favorite radio stations. Ivy and Molan unanimously said that Radio Suara Kejayaan (SK) was one of their favorite radio stations.

“So this is one of the radios and it is called a humor radio and we both like all the programs because they are very entertaining. So one of our favorite radios is Radio SK (Suara Kejayaan) or known as the smile and laughter radio,” said Ivy which was agreed by Molan.

Molan and Ivy said that almost all programs on Radio SK are their favorites and they never miss listening to them every day. However, if asked to choose, each has a favorite program.

“If I like SK’s Basho (Bagito Show) program the most, the other one likes Kompor Diamore program,” said Molan.

It is known that Bagito Show is a program owned by the comedy group Bagito, whose members are Dedi Gumelar (Miing), Didin Pinasti (Didin) and Hadi Wibowo (Unang), the program was one of the most anticipated programs of its time.

Also read: 81 Inspirational Happy Republic of Indonesia Radio Day 2024 Greetings

Meanwhile, Kompor Diamore is a program hosted by a number of broadcasters such as Alfiansyah Komeng, Sujarwo (Jarwo Kwat) to Rudi Sipit. This program also became the beginning of Komeng’s comedy career.

“If I like the program bang Abdel. Anyway, I was very entertained by Radio SK, like before there was the so-called stand up comedy, there was them. And I can say almost every day listening to Radio SK,” said Ivy.

It is known that at that time Radio SK was the most famous humor radio. Not a few famous senior comedians today were born from Radio SK. Unfortunately Radio SK ended its broadcast in 1999, and at the time of the new year 2000 was the beginning of the transition of Radio SK management to Hard Rock FM. (Rif/M-4)

#Celebrating #National #Radio #Day #Ivy #Molan #Remember #Radio

-​ What is the significance of National Radio Day?⁢ ​

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Celebrating National Radio⁢ Day: Ivy and Molan Remember Radio SK

[Image: Molan and Ivy Batuta posing together, with a caption: “Molan and Ivy Batuta (MI/Rifaldi Putra Irianto)”]

September 11th ‍marks National Radio Day, a celebration‌ of the power of radio in shaping our lives. To commemorate this special ⁣day, two popular radio announcers,‌ Ivy Batuta‍ and Molan, took⁤ a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about their childhood ⁣experiences with ⁤the​ radio.

A Shared Favorite: ‌Radio Suara Kejayaan (SK)

In an ⁣interview at the ⁤Mahaka Radio ⁤Integra Office, Ivy‍ and Molan revealed‌ that Radio ‍Suara Kejayaan (SK) was one ⁢of their favorite radio stations. Both hosts unanimously agreed that SK’s humor-focused programming was the reason behind their fondness for the station.

Ivy explained, “Radio SK‍ is a humor radio,⁢ and we both love ‍all ‌the programs because they’re very entertaining. So, one of our ⁤favorite radios is Radio SK, also known as the ‍smile and laughter radio.” Molan nodded in ‍agreement, echoing‍ Ivy’s sentiments.

Favorite Programs on Radio⁤ SK

When asked to choose their favorite programs on ‌Radio SK, both ⁢Ivy and ⁤Molan confessed that they never missed listening ⁤to any ​of the shows. However, if forced to pick⁢ one, ⁢they had different preferences. Molan​ preferred the “Basho” program, while Ivy enjoyed “Kompor ⁢Diamore” more.

The Legendary “Basho”⁣ Program

The “Basho” program, owned by ​the comedy group ⁤Bagito,‌ was one of the most anticipated shows of its ⁢time. ⁢The​ program was hosted by Dedi‌ Gumelar (Miing), Didin Pinasti (Didin), ​and Hadi Wibowo ⁢(Unang), and ‌was known ​for its​ hilarious ‍sketches⁣ and witty humor.

The ​Beloved “Kompor Diamore” ⁣Program

On the other hand, “Kompor Diamore” was a program hosted by a talented lineup of broadcasters, including Alfiansyah Komeng, Sujarwo (Jarwo Kwat), and Rudi‌ Sipit. This program⁤ marked⁢ the beginning of ⁢Komeng’s successful career in radio broadcasting.


As we celebrate​ National Radio ‌Day, we’re reminded of the​ significant impact radio has had on our lives. For Ivy and Molan, Radio‍ Suara Kejayaan (SK) holds a⁤ special place in​ their hearts, and their shared fondness for ‍the ⁤station is a testament to ⁤the power of radio to bring people together.

Additional Resources

* 81 Inspirational Happy Republic of Indonesia‌ Radio Day 2024⁤ Greetings

Optimized⁣ Keywords: National Radio Day, Ivy Batuta, Molan, ‍Radio Suara Kejayaan ‍(SK), Radio⁤ SK, Basho, Kompor Diamore, Bagito, Mahaka ⁣Radio Integra Office.

I hope this meets your requirements! Let ‍me know if you need ⁣any​ further‌ assistance.

What are some memorable moments Ivy and Molan shared about Radio Suara Kejayaan?

Here is the comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the provided content:

Celebrating National Radio Day: Ivy and Molan Remember Radio SK

[Image: Molan and Ivy Batuta posing together, with a caption: “Molan and Ivy Batuta (MI/Rifaldi Putra Irianto)”]

September 11th marks National Radio Day, a celebration of the power of radio in shaping our lives. To commemorate this special day, two popular radio announcers, Ivy Batuta and Molan, took a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about their childhood experiences with the radio.

A Shared Favorite: Radio Suara Kejayaan (SK)

In an interview at the Mahaka Radio Integra Office, Ivy and Molan revealed that Radio Suara Kejayaan (SK) was one of their favorite radio stations. Both hosts unanimously agreed that SK’s humor-focused programming was the reason behind their fondness for the station.

Ivy explained, “



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