Celebrating Fallou Sall: Honoring His Legacy with Gaber’s ‘La libertà’ at Today’s Memorial Service

Bologna, 11 August 2024 – A crowd of people It arrived this morning in Charterhousewhere the funeral chapel was set up, which then ended at 11, for the last farewell to Fallou Sall. The sixteen year old was killed with a stab wound to the heart at the end of a fight between very young people last Wednesday in via Piave. A murder for which he was arrested and now a peer of his is in the Pratello juvenile prison.

In Certosa there was a constant coming and going of people, especially friends, schoolmates of Bellini and of the Doves Bologna American football team of which the boy was a member. The silence was broken only by crying of those who loved him: grandmother Loredana caressed her grandson, his gaze lost, incredulous. Dad Mao and mom Danila hugged those present. Among them was also the friend injured in the fight and present for the last farewell. Near the photo of Fallou, the phrases taken from the text of ‘La libertà’ by Gaber. At the end of the funeral chapel, the funeral rite continued in the cemetery from Borgo Panigale.


The mayor to the boys: “Don’t seek revenge, but rather life”

The mayor says he is convinced that “all the guys we saw today and the many school children who have heard about what happened, will surely talk about this already in the first days of school. I invite them to talk, with their teachers and their friends. Don’t seek revenge, but rather the lives of all the other kids who are here with us.”


The mayor: “Fallou’s death must not be followed by another”

On the death of Fallou “another one must not follow. We must not lose another boy”. This was stated by the mayor of Bologna, Matteo Lepore, this morning at the end of the funeral of the 16-year-old stabbed by a peer last week in via Piave.


Applause for Fallou as the coffin leaves the funeral chapel

Applause for Fallou Sall as the coffin leaves the chapel of rest set up today in Certosa. It is impossible not to notice a a certain tension in the air, evidenced also by the fact that some of the boys present showed that they did not like the cameras.

Flowers and wreaths at the Borgo Panigale cemetery for Fallou Sall, the sixteen-year-old stabbed to death in a brawl on Via Piave in Bologna


On the back of Fallou’s photo the writing “peace and love for all”

There were many boys, all dressed in black t-shirts and pants. Some brought a white rose, others small bouquets of flowers. Reserved and closed in on their grief. Many were schoolmates, but not only. Many wreaths of flowers, one from the school the sixteen-year-old attended and another with the writing ‘Brothers Forever’The ticket with Fallou’s photo has the writing on the back ‘Peace and love for all’ under the design of a large angel’s wing.

The back of the photograph of Fallou distributed to the funeral chapel by the Certosa: the writing 'Peace and love for all'"

The back of the photograph of Fallou distributed to the funeral chapel by the Certosa: the writing ‘Peace and love for all’


Mayor Lepore and Police Commissioner Sbordone present at the cemetery

The hearse has just arrived at the Borgo Panigale Cemetery where the funeral will begin shortly. Also present were theMayor Matteo Lepore and Police Commissioner Antonio Sbordone and the deputy mayor of Modena, Francesca Maletti. A procession will soon begin to the Islamic section of the cemetery.


Lafram: “A void in values ​​that must be filled with everyone’s help”

Yassine Lafram: “Our imams and religious leaders are doing a important work in mosques and Islamic cultural centers in terms of prevention – he adds outside the Certosa -. We know that there is a problem that all families facegenerational conflicts, imams try to bring kids closer to their families by making them understand the importance of life and the value of the sacredness of life but there is a a value gap that needs to be filled and it is not only the intervention of families that is needed, but also that of schools and institutions”.


The hearse towards the Borgo Panigale cemetery

At 11 the funeral chapel is finished and the hearse set off towards the Borgo Panigale Cemetery where, in procession, the Islamic side will be joined by relatives and friends.


The family: “Let our son’s death be a lesson for everyone”

Il Ucoii President: “I wanted to hear the words of the father, the mother and all the relatives and they were more than eloquent words. They said: “Fallou is no longer with us, but today we need to talk to young peoplethat the death of our son is a lesson for all of them because we see that there is a carelessness on the part of the boys on what really matters in life”. The family is very aware of the problem and their reaction was also proactive. This made me really feel not only the pain but the sense of wanting to save someone”. someone”.


“Addressing Youth Violence by Working on Prevention”

Lafram (Ucoii president): “We must reflect a lot on what it’s our generation of teenagers that is growing. There are major problems and critical issues that we cannot pretend not to see. We need really address youth violence with interventions that can really work on prevention starting from schools. Yesterday I was at Fallou’s family’s house, I spent a few hours with them.”


Lafram (Ucoii President): “Gratuitous violence and the beginning of a nightmare”

“The end of Fallou’s life – così Yassine Lafram, national presenter of Ucoii – marked the beginning of a nightmare for the family, the city, the Islamic community and the Senegalese one. There is great pain because we are really talking about gratuitous violence that not only took the life of a boy but has practically marked a tragedy for all of us”.


The friends dressed in black t-shirts and pants

Lots of kids, all of them dressed in black t-shirts and trousers. Some bring a white rose, others small bouquets of flowers. Reserved and closed in on their own pain. Many were schoolmates, but not only.


Fallou dressed in Islamic vestments

Fallou dressed with the Islamic vestments. Among the many flower crowns, that of the Belluzzi (the school he attended) and that of the Common.


Ara: “In schools to detect signs of discontent”

The councilor then spoke about the situation inside the schools: “The services of the Municipality – continues – I am in constant contact with the schools. This malaise has been reported for years and it has worsened even more after Covid which has created a very serious fracture in the ability to relate to others for many adolescents. We as adults must make a great alliance, both among ourselves and with our children because we must pick up on the signals”.


Councilor Ara: “Let’s start again from our kids to face the future”

The Administration these days – he says the school councillor, Daniele Arapresent at the funeral chapel – is very close to the family, the school community and the boys and girls who hugged their relatives after this tragic image. Here you will see the Bologna of today and that of tomorrow. From this great mourning, which is difficult for our entire community, we must draw a lesson. In memory of Fallou we must think a lot about the distance that in this phase of our history exists between people, between generations, the inability to dialogue and address our conflicts in a human and civil way. If we don’t start again from our children, it will be difficult to face the present and the future.”


The boy injured in the fight was also present

Also present the other boy injured in the fightthe 17-year-old Bangladeshi boy discharged from hospital with a 10-day prognosis.


Grandpa: “He was the best and most handsome in the world

“He is the best and most beautiful in the world.” She says it through tears Fallou’s grandfatherwhile he hugs the boys who gradually come closer to greet him. “Stay here with me, don’t go away. You remind me so much of Fallou,” he tells a friend of his nephew as she holds him tightly to her.


“A tragedy that destroyed two families”

“It’s a tragedy that has destroyed two families,” some people say outside the funeral chapel. “It’s too much sufferingI can’t believe it. It’s not him,” others say.

Fallou's funeral, from behind, tightly embraced. The mother of the 16-year-old killed (in the circle) in via Piave in Bologna (PhotoSchicchi)

Fallou’s funeral, from behind, tightly embraced. The mother of the 16-year-old killed (in the circle) in via Piave in Bologna (PhotoSchicchi)


Gaber’s ‘Freedom’ accompanies Fallou’s photo

“Freedom is not being on a treeit is not even a gesture or an invention, freedom is not a free space. Freedom is participation” is the phrase from the song by Giorgio Gaber which accompanies the photo in Fallou outside the funeral chapel.

The funeral of Fallou Sall, the sixteen-year-old killed in Via Piave in Bologna

The funeral of Fallou Sall, the sixteen-year-old killed in Via Piave in Bologna



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