Celebrating Caregivers: The Importance and Impact on Health and Society

2023-11-29 22:03:15

A caregiver is the person who accompanies and provides support to those who, whether due to illness, disability or advanced age, cannot carry out their daily tasks or carry out their health treatments independently.

The role of the caregiver has a great impact on the health system, since, according to
A study published earlier this year by BMC Public Health, in Latin America, caregivers are the main source of care services for people in a situation of dependency.

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The study showed that one third of the annual cost of care and treatment of different diseases in the region comes from the costs associated with the hours that a person who is not a health professional dedicates to caring for a patient, without receiving remuneration. In this order of ideas, it was estimated that, in 2020, people in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru allocated approximately 1.9 billion hours and USD $4.3 billion to care.

According to the World Health Organization, currently, this role is mostly assumed by women who have some family relationship with the patient who do it on a long-term and unpaid basis.

In fact, according to a 2022 survey published by Dane, in Colombia, 34.9% of people with disabilities receive care from a person within the home and 82.1% of those who assume this role are women. .

According to Dane, in Colombia, 34.9% of people with disabilities receive care from a person within the home.

Raise awareness of the importance of caregivers

In this context, health experts highlighted that the work of caregivers must be understood and valued for the complexity it represents, since they not only guarantee the physical and emotional care of those who need to be cared for, but also transform their own lives to be able to achieve it.

The caregiver not only provides support in daily activities such as dressing, bathing, eating, and moving around, allowing the patient to maintain their quality of life, but also plays a fundamental role in the patient’s therapeutic adherence, by supervising their treatment plan. , take charge of maintaining constant communication with the health team, collect and deliver relevant information on the patient’s health status and changes, and take action
preventive measures to avoid future complications.

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The mental health of caregivers of older adults, an issue that must be addressed.

The risks that this work presents

It is important to mention that daily and long-term care, even voluntarily, entails suffering social barriers and health risks for those who perform it, mainly if it falls on a single person.

In this regard, the Medicarte medical team led by Andrea Liscano, medical director, stated that “these difficulties can translate into physical and emotional overload, lack of support and resources, lack of time and personal space, fewer hours of work in the labor market, financial difficulties, lack of knowledge and skills, stigma and social isolation. Therefore, it is vital to advance and implement actions aimed at caring for those who care for us.”

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In addition, Medicarte, since 2022, has launched initiatives such as the “Caregiver School”, a series of educational workshops aimed at caregivers, patients and family members, which mainly address the importance of the mental and physical health of caregivers. of patients with rheumatological diseases, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis; as well as relevant aspects in the treatment of said conditions.

Also, every year in the month of November Caregivers are commemorated, so it is important to promote greater awareness regarding the importance of their role in the life of a patient, since the caregiver is not only the one who continually contributes to their improvement and general well-being, but also the one who acts as an intermediary between the patient and the health team.

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