Celebrating Achievement: FernUni Schweiz Welcomes 403 New Graduates in a Festive Ceremony

PUBLISHED September 9, 2024

The Swiss Distance Learning University celebrated its 403 graduates last Saturday, September 7, in the Simplon Hall in Brig. Céline Dessimoz, the second vice president of the Grand Council of the Canton of Valais, was also present at the graduation ceremony. The Swiss Distance Learning University’s online courses are experiencing a high level of interest, particularly in the field of psychology.

More than 700 people came to Brig to celebrate the 403 graduates – more than ever before – of all of the FernUni Schweiz’s degree and continuing education courses. FernUni Schweiz, which is currently applying for the status of a full university as an accredited university institute, offers students the opportunity to combine university studies with their professional, sporting or family life with its online learning model.

Psychology is very popular

With 164 diplomas issued this year and a share of 50 percent of students, the Department of Psychology is the largest faculty at FernUni Schweiz. In the fall semester of 2024, 149 students will begin the (French-language) and 79 students the (German-language) Bachelor’s degree in Psychology – a new record. “The number of students shows that people want to study online and appreciate the special flexibility of this learning model as well as the quality of our programs,” explains Prof. Dr. Pamela Banta Lavenex, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology.
In total, the FernUni Schweiz has around 2,400 students in September, including 629 new enrollments for the fall semester (561 for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, 40 for continuing education and 28 for the “Admission 25+” program). The new Master’s program in contemporary history will begin with 10 students.

Graduates report

The professional speed skater Vera Güntert has just completed her bachelor’s degree in law. “The Swiss Distance Learning University was the ideal solution for me to be able to study and pursue my career in sport at the same time. I often go abroad for training. The distance learning course gave me the opportunity to build a second career. If my career in sport were to end, I could always make a living from another job thanks to my law degree,” explains the young athlete. More student reports are available. here to find.

Support from the canton

The Swiss Distance Learning University is currently a university institute. It has set itself the goal of being recognized as a full-fledged university by 2027. Céline Dessimoz, second vice-president of the Grand Council of the Canton of Valais, said: “This recognition will help to strengthen the canton’s attractiveness as an education, research and innovation region. The Valais government and parliament are supporting and accompanying the process with a subsidy of 21.145 million francs for the period from 2022 to 2025. This corresponds to around 18 percent of the institute’s total costs.”


Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the​ title “The Rise of Online Learning: FernUni Schweiz Celebrates 403 Graduates”:

The Rise of Online Learning: FernUni ⁤Schweiz Celebrates ‍403 Graduates

The ​Swiss ⁢Distance Learning University ‌(FernUni Schweiz) recently celebrated a milestone, graduating 403 students in a ceremony held at the Simplon Hall in Brig. This achievement marks a significant increase in interest in⁤ online learning, particularly in the field of psychology.

Popularity⁣ of Psychology

The Department of Psychology at FernUni Schweiz is the largest faculty, with 164 diplomas issued this year, ‌accounting‌ for 50% of the total ⁢student population. In the fall semester of 2024, a⁤ record-breaking 149 students will begin the French-language and 79 students the German-language Bachelor’s degree in Psychology [[3]]. This surge in interest can be attributed to the flexibility and quality of the online ⁢learning model, which allows students to‍ balance ⁣their academic pursuits‍ with professional, sporting, or ​family commitments.

About the Bachelor of Science ‍in Psychology

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology ​program ‍at FernUni Schweiz provides a well-founded ⁤scientific basic education in the basics of psychology, its disciplines, and applications​ [[1]][[2]]. The program is designed to be‌ completed in 9 semesters ⁢(4.5 years)‍ and comprises 180 ECTS points [[3]]. This part-time program⁢ is⁢ ideal for individuals who want to⁣ pursue a career in psychology while maintaining their current responsibilities.

Student Testimonials

FernUni Schweiz’s online courses have enabled⁤ students to achieve their⁤ academic goals while pursuing their passions. Vera Güntert,⁤ a professional speed skater, recently completed her bachelor’s degree in law. She credits the distance learning program⁣ for providing her with the flexibility to balance⁣ her sporting career with her academic pursuits. “The Swiss Distance Learning University was the ⁣ideal solution for me to‌ be able to study and ⁢pursue my⁢ career in sport at​ the same time,” she ‌explains.

Support from the Canton

The Swiss Distance Learning University ‌is currently applying for the status of a ⁤full university as an accredited university institute. The canton‍ of Valais has expressed its support for the university, recognizing the importance of⁢ online learning in the modern educational landscape.

the rise of online learning⁤ at FernUni Schweiz ‌is a testament to the growing demand for flexible and accessible education. The popularity of the Bachelor of Science in Psychology program is a clear indication of the importance of psychology in today’s society.⁢ As the university continues to grow and expand its offerings, it is likely to remain a leader in the field of online ‍education.

What factors are contributing to the rise in popularity of psychology courses at FernUni Schweiz?

The Rise of Online Learning: FernUni Schweiz Celebrates 403 Graduates

The Swiss Distance Learning University, also known as FernUni Schweiz, recently celebrated a significant milestone by graduating 403 students in various fields, including psychology, law, and economics. This achievement marks a new record for the university, which has been experiencing a rise in interest in its online courses, particularly in the field of psychology.

Psychology is a Highly Popular Field of Study

With 164 diplomas issued this year, the Department of Psychology is the largest faculty at FernUni Schweiz, accounting for 50% of students. The demand for psychology courses is evident, with 149 students enrolling in the French-language Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and 79 students enrolling in the German-language program in the fall semester of 2024. According to Prof. Dr. Pamela Banta Lavenex, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, “The number of students shows that people want to study online and appreciate the special flexibility of this learning model as well as the quality of our programs” [[3]].

The Flexibility of Online Learning

FernUni Schweiz’s online learning model offers students the opportunity to combine university studies with their professional, sporting, or family life. This flexibility is particularly appealing to students who have other commitments, such as professional speed skater Vera Güntert, who recently completed her bachelor’s degree in law. “The Swiss Distance Learning University was the ideal solution for me to be able to study and pursue my career in sport at the same time. I often go abroad for training. The distance learning course gave me the opportunity to build a second career,” explained Güntert.

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology Program

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology program at FernUni Schweiz is a part-time study program that provides a well-founded scientific basic education in the basics of psychology as well as its disciplines and applications [[3]]. The program consists of 180 ECTS points and takes 9 semesters (4.5 years) to complete [[1]]. This program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career in psychology or related fields.

FernUni Schweiz: A Leading Institution in Online Learning

FernUni Schweiz, as a university institute, has been offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as advanced training in various fields, including law, economics, and psychology [[2]]. The university is currently applying for the status of a full university as an accredited university institute. With its online learning model, FernUni Schweiz has established itself as a leading institution in distance learning, catering to students who require flexibility in their academic pursuits.

the recent graduation ceremony at FernUni Schweiz highlights the growing popularity of online learning, particularly in the field of psychology. The university’s online learning model has proven to be an attractive option for students who require flexibility in their academic pursuits. As the demand for online education continues to rise, FernUni Schweiz is well-positioned to meet the needs of students in Switzerland and beyond.



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