CELAC Summit: the 13 Heads of State who arrived in Buenos Aires have already entered and in minutes Alberto Fernández opens the meeting

The VII Summit of Heads of State of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) will be attended, for the first time, by the presidents and representatives of the 33 nations that make up the forum.

The sessions have confirmed the attendance of more than 15 leadersamong whom, in addition to the host president, Alberto Fernandezwill be Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Brazil), Gustavo Petro (Colombia), Gabriel Boric (Chile), Luis Arce (Bolivia), Xiomara Castro (Honduras), Mia Mottley (Barbados), Mario Abdo Benítez (Paraguay), Luis Lacalle Pou ( Uruguay) and Miguel Díaz-Canel (Cuba).

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