CDMO Evotec to cut 73 positions in Toulouse and Lyon

2024-08-30 07:01:00

Evotec to cut jobs in France. The German group, which specializes in research, development and subcontracted pharmaceutical production, announced what it described as a plan to “rationalize” its operations in France. Evotec, which employs 1,000 people in France, plans to cut 73 positions.

Specifically, the Toulouse site will be the most severely affected, with 64 positions cut, while the Lyon-based site specializing in anti-infectives will see nine positions cut from around 120 employees in the Rhône Valley.

We contacted Evotec but they would not comment further on their position. The plan is part of a global job cuts of around 400 jobs, citing “The market environment is difficult, characterized by a slowdown in R&D spending in the biotech sector””, comments Evotec.

The news comes as Evotec recently struck a research agreement with Pfizer that allows it to tap into its research and development team in Toulouse. « The reduction in the workforce will not impact work and projects with partners.”I want to reassure CDMOs.

Future bioproduction sites will not be affected by reduced workforce

Since its founding in Toulouse in 2015, Evotec has increased its workforce and purchased Sanofi’s former Biopark for its Curie campus. The reorganization of its activities in Occitanie does not mark the end of the CDMO’s on-site ambitions, as the organization plans to open J.POD, a facility designed for bioproduction and which will employ 150 people, in September. factory of the future “Not affected by these measures”, Evotek said.

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