CC approves territorial exit to the Antofagasta region and a reform to the regulation | Special

Tuesday March 01, 2022 | 19:48

This Tuesday, the Constitutional Convention approved the territorial exit to the Antofagasta region, something similar to what happened in the Bío Bío region, when the entire Plenary moved to Concepción and its surroundings to meet.

By 107 votes in favour, the Plenary of the Constitutional Convention approved the territorial exit to the Antofagasta region.

This was a proposal from the Board of Directors, which was agreed upon at a meeting held on February 10, which consists of carrying out the week in the territory, from May 16 to 20, in the Antofagasta region.

Something very similar to what happened in the Bío Bío region, when the entire Plenary moved to Concepción and its surroundings, of course, to hold sessions and make a gesture towards decentralization.

The session discussed whether this territorial week should be held in the Antofagasta region, which was finally approved.

On the other hand, the plenary of the organism approved a reform to the regulations of the Constitutional Conventionwhich aims to speed up voting times.

This in the context of what has happened in recent weeks, where the conventional constituents have been out of work very late – on some occasions at dawn – to vote on the different articles of the so-called blank sheet, both in general and in particular.

Finally, the regulations are modified, so it is declared that Saturdays will be business days and that separate voting in general cannot be requested. This will serve so that the conventional ones have more time to work in groups, in commissions and that the Plenary Session of the Constitutional Convention lasts less.

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