Cavani’s message after the Super Cup and River’s qualification :: Olé

09/25/2024 09:07hs. Updated on 09/25/2024 09:16hs.

In his message, there is a strong identification with the club, the fans, and the current moment. In this communication, he expresses his commitment, his encouraging voice, and perhaps a sense of belonging. In this message, Edinson Cavani demonstrated to Boca supporters where his loyalty lies during these challenging times. Just after the defeat in the Superclásico and moments after River qualified for the Libertadores semifinals, the number 10 shared a story on his Instagram…

“Let’s go, Boca, let’s go.” There’s nothing more Boca than that slogan. The way it’s written, and of course, its meaning resonate deeply, as it echoes a classic Xeneize chant. Coincidentally or not, Cavani posted this after midnight, when the football world was consumed with discussions about River’s progression to the Copa Libertadores semi-finals.

Perhaps, he also intended to convey that Boca needs to focus on itself and keep moving forward without looking sideways, even if that seems like the toughest challenge at the moment. Regardless of what happens with their eternal rival, whether good or bad, it always has a direct effect. Moreover, it can be seen as a form of encouragement during a time when the team must rise and carry on…

Cavani’s message on his Instagram.

There’s no doubt that, in any of these scenarios, Cavani is aiming to motivate his team and the fans, who expect this type of action from their leaders. This is particularly significant after a defeat in a superclásico that led to unexpected consequences: a coach on the brink of departure, booing directed at the team, and the suspension of the starting goalkeeper by the club (Chiquito Romero was handed a two-match ban due to his reaction against the fans in the tunnel).

Cavani, with the fans. He managed to blend in with them.Cavani, with the fans. He managed to blend in with them.

In the midst of ongoing continuity discussions…

The Matador’s message comes during a day filled with speculation about his future at Boca. Riquelme’s desire for him to remain with the club and the expectations surrounding the Uruguayan’s decision regarding his presence in the team for 2025 are both at play. For now, the number 10 understands there’s no rush to resolve this situation and intends to take his time in making a decision.

However, there are undeniable indicators: These types of messages reflect his commitment to Boca, not to mention that he feels fulfilled and comfortable with his family living in Buenos Aires and near Salto (he frequently travels, which is something he has always sought). Furthermore, he is experiencing the passion of the supporters with Boca, which he didn’t encounter in Europe, and this validates the good decision he made by joining the Xeneize at this stage of his career.

Edinson Cavani with his son Silvestre, at Boca training. His family is having a good time.Edinson Cavani with his son Silvestre, at Boca training. His family is having a good time.

The other indication is that the Matador is certain that Boca will be the final club of his career. This means that his illustrious career will conclude with the blue and gold. The question remains when that will occur. If the Xeneize qualifies for the Copa Libertadores, it will provide additional motivation for him to seek revenge for the final lost in 2023, but the Club World Cup is also an enticing opportunity. As an international figure and key image for the club, it could serve as another reason for him to continue.

09/25/2024 09:07hs. Updated on 09/25/2024 09:16hs.

In a message, there is his identification with the club, with the people, with the moment. In a message, there is his commitment, his voice of encouragement, perhaps his sense of belonging. In a message, in that message, Edinson Cavani showed Boca fans which side he is on in these difficult times. Yes, after the fall in the Super and just a few minutes after River’s qualification to the semis of the Libertadores, the number 10 uploaded a story to his IG…

“Let’s go, Boca, let’s go.” More Boca-like than that slogan. Because of the way it is written and, of course, because of what it means, because it also responds to a classic hit by Xeneize. Coincidentally or not, Cavani uploaded it after midnight, when the entire football world was talking about River and its passage to the semi-finals of the Libertadores.

Perhaps, also, I seek to say that Boca has to concentrate on Boca and continue on its path, without looking to the side, even though that seems the most difficult thing of all at the moment.: : Whatever happens with the eternal rival, whether good or bad, always has a direct impact. And also, if you like, it was a kind of voice of encouragement, at a time when the team has to get up and move on…

Cavani's message on his Instagram.
Cavani’s message on his Instagram.

There is no doubt that, in any of these hypotheses, Cavani is looking to motivate his team and also the people, who expect precisely this type of action from their leaders. And more so after a defeat in a superclásico that had unexpected repercussions: a coach who was left on the edge, whistles for the entire team and the suspension of the starting goalkeeper by the club (Chiquito Romero received a two-match ban for his reaction against the fans in the tunnel).

Cavani, with the fans. He managed to blend in with them.
Cavani, with the fans. He managed to blend in with them.

In the middle of the continuity versions…

The Matador’s message comes even after a day in which there was much talk about his future at Boca. Riquelme’s desire for him to stay at the club and the decision expected from the Uruguayan to confirm or not his presence in the team in 2025. For now, the number 10 knows that there is no rush to resolve this situation and he wants to take his time to decide.

However, There are unavoidable signs: These types of messages show his commitment to Boca, in the family aspect he feels fulfilled and comfortable living in Buenos Aires and near Salto (he comes and goes, something he always looked for) and, in addition, he is living in the Xeneize those sensations born from the passion of the fan that he did not have in Europe and that is, for the end of his career, something that ratifies the good decision he made when arriving at the Xeneize.

Edinson Cavani with his son Silvestre, at Boca training. His family is having a good time.
Edinson Cavani with his son Silvestre, at Boca training. His family is having a good time.

The other clue is that the Matador is clear that Boca will be the last club of his career. That is to say, his brilliant career will end with the blue and gold. What remains to be seen is when. In that sense, if the Xeneize qualifies for the Copa Libertadores, it will add one more motivation to have revenge for the final lost in 2023, but the Club World Cup is also a beacon in which the Uruguayan, as an international figure and strong image for the club, can feed another reason for his continuity.



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