Cavalier Aliki Smekhova went over to Elena Sparrow

2023-04-25 23:30:20

Larisa Kudryavtseva

1 time ago

Next to Igorok, Elena Yakovlevna hides wrinkles under her glasses.

For the fourth time in Moscow, the spring International Scientific and Educational Forum “Aesthetic Medicine of the Future” was held, which attracted the attention of many stellar people. This is not surprising – everyone wants to look good, and even visually throw off a dozen years and even more so.

The guests of the main beauty exhibition of the year reacted vividly to the proposed novelties: they bred a pop with vitamins and collagens, took laser care procedures, tried new creams and serums, and along the way received advice on their properties. We got acquainted with doctors and methods, studied new possibilities of injection cosmetology.

Last year, Nadezhda Babkina became the star of the forum. She announced that she did not care regarding any Western sanctions, that she was not worried regarding the withdrawal of some cosmetic brands from the Russian market. And she reminded her compatriots what women used to use:

– They smeared their cheeks with a beetroot, they summed up their eyebrows with coal – and went regarding their business.

Prosha Chaliapin did not stick his reduced nose anywhere

This year, the populist did not appear on the forum. Apparently, with might and main, she is launching a “beet-cosmetic line”, which she hinted at earlier.

This time there were many men among the visitors. Prokhor Chaliapin, for example, admitted that at one time he went under the knife of a plastic surgeon – he reduced his nose.

– And I inserted gold threads, but now I realized that this might have been avoided by simply using collagen with hyaluron and applying some elementary creams, – the 39-year-old lover of rich milfs reasoned. – Yes, plastic surgery is easier, because not everyone likes to take all these vitamins every day. To do this, you must first go to a nutritionist, take tests and so on …

Knowing that now milfs are in trend, Dmitry Koldun did not leave Victoria Tarasova

Alexander Panayotov spun around the massage chair for a long time, examining it from all sides. Not otherwise than decided to buy the same home.

“I haven’t cut anything yet,” the singer purred. – Cosmetology has stepped far forward, and now you can just lie in a chair, relax, and they will do something to you. Often I go to the procedure, when using the apparatus they penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Thus, fat is burned and everything is tightened. It is the most painless. A kind of replacement for a circular lift without surgery.

Alsou will hit 40 in the summer

Mask for Alsou

31-year-old dramatic actor Igor Skripko, who until recently “married” Alika Smekhova, has now gone over to parodist Elena Vorobei. Like Chaliapin, apparently, Igor prefers older ladies, considering them much more attractive and interesting than their peers.

And already with a new passion he enthusiastically discussed all the novelties of cosmetology. Moreover, Elena is a shot sparrow in this direction. At one time, she turned to plastic surgeons several times – she did rhinoplasty and enlarged her breasts. Now, by her own admission, she decided to focus on non-surgical procedures. And a young gentleman nearby is a great reason to do your rejuvenation.

Diana makes grandiose plans for life

A rare guest of such events, the singer Alsu, also appeared on the forum. The performer of the hit “Winter Dream” spoke regarding the success of her children. The eldest Safina is already finishing school and, most likely, will become a doctor. Another daughter, Mikella, who participated in the children’s “Voice”, wants to get a law degree first, and to do singing for the soul. The youngest son Rafael has not yet decided on his passions, he is only seven years old.

Nonna Grishaeva is getting younger with the help of specialists

The star mother admitted that, unlike many of her colleagues in the pop shop, she has not yet resorted to the services of plastic surgery, limiting herself only to masks and body wraps.

The blind Diana Gurtskaya, who was carefully led by the arm by an assistant, as it turned out, was the first time at such an exhibition.

Singer Zhenya Malakhova plunged into a healing aura with her eyes closed

– I am very good at cosmetic procedures. I understand that we girls should look beautiful, – the singer shared a strong spirit. – I’m not doing anything with my face yet, but everything is ahead: why not.

Photo source: Larisa Kudryavtseva

#Cavalier #Aliki #Smekhova #Elena #Sparrow



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