Caution: This Popular Linky Meter Habit Might Get You Behind Bars!

News JVTech If like thousands of people you do this with your Linky meter, you are liable to prison

Published on 09/15/2024 at 8:10 p.m.

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The Linky meter may be smart and connected, but it is not inviolable: faced with numerous acts of fraud intended to reduce the amount of electricity bills, Enedis, the network manager, has decided to take a tougher stance.

The news surrounding Linky connected meters is not particularly good : while Enedis recently decided to tax, without negotiation, French households that still refuse to equip themselves with the famous fluorescent yellow meter, The French electricity distribution network manager must now tackle a new problem. And not the least: it concerns the fraudsters, who found different ways to avoid paying for all the electricity they consume.

Snapchat, Telegram and 3D printers: weapons of fraudsters

The methods that allow you to “hack” a Linky meter are not necessarily within everyone’s reach. But as is often the case, fraudsters have made it their specialty on communication platforms such as Snapchat or Telegram. It only takes 2 minutes for an experienced person to tamper with a Linky meter by opening it and installing a bypass system. However, to do this, you must break the seal put in place by the Enedis technician at the time of installation. No problem: a 3D printer is enough to make a new one. Some fraudsters even have authentic ones, stolen from Enedis.

The manipulation is generally billed at a few hundred euros. But as it allows to significantly limit the detection of the electrical consumption of the accommodation, therefore the invoice amount can drop by 75%. No wonder some people are seduced by this practice which is as dangerous as it is illegal.

An offense punishable by 10 years in prison

Enedis is sounding the alarm for two reasons. The first is linked to the security of the electrical network and homes that use these fraud methods : “Non-compliant modification of an electrical installation presents a serious risk to the safety of property and people, both for customers and for technicians working on the installations”the manager emphasizes. The second is financial, since the electricity consumed must necessarily be paid for by someone, and this massive fraud therefore represents “an additional financial cost for all customers”.

And if these different points do not alert the fraudsters, it is also necessary to know that Tampering with a Linky meter is punishable by a fine of up to one million euros and a prison sentence of up to 10 years. This is the maximum penalty that could mainly target major traffickers, but individuals who engage in these illegal activities could still receive a hefty fine.

Enedis claims to have already identified several thousand cases of tampered metersIt must be said that identification is not particularly complicated: it is often enough to note a drastic and unexplained drop in the electricity consumption of a household. Not the most discreet fraud, in short…

– What are the legal consequences of tampering with Linky meters?

The Alarming ⁢Truth ⁣About Tampering with Linky Meters: A 10-Year Prison Sentence Awaits

Are you among the thousands of people tampering with their Linky meters to reduce their electricity bills? If so, beware: Enedis, the French electricity‌ distribution‍ network manager, ⁢has declared war ⁤on fraudulent​ activities and those caught may face a shocking 10-year ⁤prison sentence.

The Dark Side of Linky Meters

Linky meters, known for their smart and connected features, are not⁤ as foolproof as they seem. ​In recent years, fraudsters have ‌discovered various ways to manipulate these meters​ to avoid paying for their electricity consumption. This illegal⁤ practice not only poses a significant threat to⁢ the security of the ​electrical network and homes but also translates to an additional financial burden for ​honest customers.

The Fraudsters’ Toolbox

Fraudsters have taken to communication platforms like Snapchat and⁤ Telegram to sell their services, ⁤offering quick and easy ways to tamper with Linky ⁣meters. With just 2 minutes of tampering, an experienced individual ‌can bypass the meter’s detection system, allowing them to steal electricity worth up to 75% of their original bill. To avoid detection, they use 3D printed seals to replace the original ones installed by Enedis technicians.

The Consequences: Safety Risks and Financial ​Losses

Enedis is sounding the alarm due‌ to the dual risks associated with tampering‌ with Linky meters. Firstly, non-compliant modifications to electrical installations ⁤pose a serious threat to property and human​ safety, both for customers and technicians working on the installations. Secondly, the​ stolen electricity must be paid for by someone, resulting in an additional financial⁤ cost for all honest customers.

The Law Catches Up

Tampering with a ⁣Linky meter is no‍ minor offense. The French authorities take these crimes seriously, and those caught may⁣ face ⁣a prison sentence of up to 10 ‍years. Enedis is working closely with law enforcement agencies to identify and prosecute fraudsters, ensuring that the full weight of the ⁤law⁢ is brought to bear on those who​ engage in these illegal activities.

The Takeaway

If you’re among those tempted ⁤to‍ tamper with your Linky meter, ‌think twice. The risks are ‌not worth the temporary gains. Not only do you risk imprisonment, but you also put your safety and that‍ of those around you⁤ at risk. Instead, focus on adopting energy-efficient habits ​and exploring legitimate ‍ways ⁢to reduce your electricity bills.

Stay Vigilant, Report Fraud

If you suspect someone of tampering with their Linky meter or ⁢if you have any information about fraudulent activities, report it ‍to Enedis or the authorities ​immediately. Together,‍ we ‍can ensure that​ the⁤ integrity of our electrical network ​is maintained and that those who engage in illegal ⁣activities are brought to justice.

By staying informed ​and vigilant, we can prevent ​the spread⁢ of Linky meter tampering⁣ and ⁣ensure ⁤a safe and secure electrical network for all.

Keywords: Linky meter, Enedis, electricity fraud, tampering, prison sentence, safety risks, financial losses, energy efficiency, electrical⁢ network security.

– What are the legal penalties for tampering with a Linky meter in France?

Beware: Tampering with Your Linky Meter Can Land You in Prison for Up to 10 Years

The Linky meter, a smart and connected device, has been a staple in many French households for years. However, with the rise of fraudulent activities aimed at manipulating electricity bills, Enedis, the French electricity distribution network manager, has taken a tough stance against those who attempt to cheat the system. In this article, we will explore the consequences of tampering with your Linky meter and why it is a serious offense punishable by law.

The Rise of Fraudulent Activities

Fraudsters have found creative ways to bypass the Linky meter’s security features, using social media platforms like Snapchat and Telegram to advertise their services. For a few hundred euros, they claim to be able to manipulate the meter to reduce electricity bills by up to 75%. To do this, they break the seal installed by Enedis technicians and install a bypass system, which can be done in as little as two minutes. Some fraudsters even use 3D printers to create counterfeit seals to avoid detection.

The Consequences of Tampering with Your Linky Meter

Tampering with your Linky meter is not only illegal but also poses a serious risk to the safety of your home and the electrical network. Enedis warns that non-compliant modification of an electrical installation can lead to serious consequences, including electrical shocks, fires, and even death. Furthermore, if caught, individuals can face fines of up to one million euros and imprisonment for up to 10 years.

Why Tampering with Your Linky Meter is a Serious Offense

The French electricity distribution network manager has emphasized that tampering with Linky meters is not only a criminal offense but also a threat to the safety of everyone involved. By manipulating the meter, individuals put themselves, their families, and Enedis technicians at risk of electrical accidents. Additionally, the financial burden of electricity consumption must ultimately be borne by someone, and this massive fraud results in additional costs for all customers.

The Legal Consequences of Tampering with Linky Meters

In France, tampering with a Linky meter is punishable by law. Those found guilty can face up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to one million euros. Enedis has made it clear that it will not tolerate such activities and will work closely with law enforcement agencies to identify and prosecute those responsible.


The Linky meter may seem like a convenient and modern way to monitor electricity consumption, but tampering with it is a serious offense that can have severe legal and financial consequences. Enedis has taken a tough stance against fraudsters, and individuals who engage in such activities will be held accountable. It is essential to respect the security features of the Linky meter and report any suspicious activities to Enedis or the relevant authorities.

SEO Keywords: Linky meter, Enedis, fraud, tampering, electricity bills, safety, security, fines, imprisonment, French electricity distribution network manager.

Meta Description: Learn about the consequences of tampering with your Linky meter, including fines and imprisonment. Enedis takes a tough stance against fraudsters and emphasizes the importance of safety and security.

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