The three parties are meeting on Monday for a crisis meeting, and they are talking about a clear solidarity of “all parties in the town hall”. All of them, except the SPÖ, of course. Because yesterday, as reported, the red municipal council faction unanimously expressed its trust in Mayor Luger (SP). The fact that he passed the hearing questions on to Dietmar Kerschbaum and demonstrably told untruths about them was indeed misconduct, but one that Luger “allowed himself to be carried away” into, according to the SPÖ’s argument. The criticism and calls for his resignation are being dismissed as “summer theater”. The other parties are very angry about this.The terse statement by SPÖ regional manager Koppler that it was all a ‘summer theater’ is evidence of a political detachment that is unparalleled,” said Michaela Sommer, club chairwoman of the ÖVP-Linz, in a press release.
A joint motion of no confidence is being prepared, but it will not be the only reaction from the other parties. The Linz ÖVP wants to demand further “immediate measures” because they fear a “danger of obfuscation”. “How is it possible that Luger is stepping down as LIVA supervisory board chairman and owner representative, but can still hold office as mayor and perform other influential functions? For example, Luger is chairman of the supervisory board of Linzer Holding, to which LIVA is subordinate, or of Linz AG,” says Sommer. That is why he is being called for to step down from all offices.
In addition, there is a need for clarification, for example about the report, which should clarify who passed on the hearing questions and what consequences this had. “WHow high are the costs for the report on the postponed order, the compliance report and the expensive PR consultant?” – these are the questions the Linz VP wants to have clarified.
Neos for special meeting of the municipal council
Neos parliamentary group leader Georg Redlhammer announces that his group will support the motion of no confidence. “We must use every opportunity not only to express our displeasure at the mayor’s clinging to his chair, but also to take action,” says Redlhammer. The Neos are also calling for a special meeting of the local council, saying that they cannot wait until the next regular meeting on September 26th.
Eypeltauer criticizes Lindner’s silence
Neos regional spokesman Felix Eypeltauer has sharply criticized SPÖ Upper Austria chairman Michael Lindner. “The fact that Lindner is not clearing things up shows that corruption in the SPÖ is being politically covered up because it puts the retention of power above all else,” says Eypeltauer.
Schobesberger: “It’s no longer possible”
Green city councillor Eva Schobesberger is also calling for Luger to resign. The trust has been so permanently destroyed that he can no longer carry out his duties. “With every day that a new start is prevented, the SPÖ is playing with the image and future of our city,” said Schobesberger.
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