Caught in the Grip of Addiction: Norbi’s Heart-Wrenching Journey

Norbi spoke in one of his last interviews about his struggle with gambling addiction. – It’s like with alcohol. It’s the same principle – he said, thus warning others.

Norbi, a well-known vocalist and presenter, has been present in Polish show business for years. He became famous in the 90s, when his hit “Kobiety są wesele” won the hearts of listeners. On the wave of success, Norbi performed up to 200-300 concerts a yeartraveling by helicopter between performances. Concerts remain his main passion despite the passing of the years and changes in the music industry. Unfortunately, Norbi’s personal life was not free from turmoil. The singer fell into the trap of a serious addiction.

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Norbi was addicted to gambling

Norbi recently gave an interview to the Sport Channel. In his conversation with Izabella Krzan, whom he knows from Polish Television, he did not shy away from answering difficult questions, including those concerning his addiction. The singer was a compulsive gambler for a long time.

It just got me hooked and my hand itched like crazy. And then those 5 zlotys became 100, 200, 500, 1000, 10,000, then you brought 20,000, then 30,000 – the guest of the program opened.

Although many people downplay gambling addiction, Norbi believes that it can be safely compared to addictive alcohol consumption.

I am an addicted person. It’s like with alcohol. It’s the same principle – assessed the harmfulness of gambling.

Norbi couldn’t cope for a good dozen or so years. Around 2015, he quit for good and hasn’t visited a casino since.

Norbi lost his job at Polish Television

The creator of the hit “Women are hot” is one of many stars who lost their jobs at TVP after the change of government. Let us recall that viewers could watch him in “Wheel of Fortune”. Norbi, despite such a development of the situation, keeps his fingers crossed for his successors – Agnieszka Dziekan and Błażej Stencel. In an interview with Plejada he assessed: “It is very pleasant to watch, the beginning was really enough for me. Professionally. I wish good viewership. They made a rotation among these hosts, apparently I was also rotated”.

What are the long-term⁤ effects of gambling addiction as ‍highlighted in Norbi’s story? ‍

Norbi’s Courageous ⁣Confession: The Devastating Reality‌ of Gambling Addiction

As a renowned⁣ vocalist and presenter, Norbi has been‌ a staple in Polish⁢ show business for⁤ decades. With a ‌career spanning multiple decades, ⁣he ⁢has performed up to 200-300 concerts a year, ⁤entertaining audiences with his ⁤hit songs,‌ including the iconic “Kobiety są wesele”. However, behind the glamour and success, Norbi ⁢has been hiding a dark ⁣secret: his struggle with gambling addiction.

The‍ Hidden Trap of Gambling Addiction

In a recent interview with the ⁣Sport Channel, Norbi courageously opened up​ about his personal struggles, providing a candid ⁢insight into the devastating reality of gambling​ addiction. ‌The⁤ singer revealed that he became hooked on gambling, which eventually took a​ heavy toll on his life.

“It just got me hooked and my ⁢hand itched like crazy. And then those 5 zlotys became⁢ 100, 200, 500, 1000, 10,000,‌ then you brought 20,000, then 30,000,” Norbi confessed, describing the rapid escalation of his‍ addiction.

Gambling Addiction: A Serious Problem

Norbi’s experience‌ serves as a ⁣stark reminder that gambling addiction is‍ a serious issue ​that can affect ‌anyone, ‍regardless​ of their background or socioeconomic status. ​Despite its prevalence, many people⁤ downplay the risks of gambling,‌ dismissing it‌ as a ‌harmless form of entertainment. However, Norbi’s warning is clear: gambling addiction can ‍be just as harmful as alcoholism.

“I am an ​addicted person.⁤ It’s like with alcohol.⁣ It’s the same‌ principle,” ‌Norbi emphasized, highlighting ‍the devastating consequences of ‌unchecked gambling habits.

The Destructive Consequences of Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction⁢ can have far-reaching‌ consequences, affecting not only the individual but also their loved ones. The addiction can lead to financial problems, relationship⁣ strain, and even mental health issues.

In Norbi’s case, ​his ‍addiction lasted for over a decade, taking a heavy toll on his⁢ personal life. However, he eventually managed to ⁤quit in 2015 and has since ⁢remained ⁢committed to his sobriety.

Breaking the Stigma: Norbi’s Courageous Confession

Norbi’s courageous confession serves​ as a powerful reminder that addiction knows no boundaries and can affect anyone, regardless of their fame or fortune. By speaking out about his struggles, Norbi ‍hopes to raise awareness about the dangers of gambling addiction and encourage others to seek help.

His story is a beacon of hope for those‌ struggling with addiction, highlighting ‍the importance of seeking help and support. By breaking‍ the stigma surrounding addiction, Norbi’s ​confession can inspire others to speak out⁤ and seek⁣ the help they need.


Norbi’s⁤ story is a timely ⁤reminder⁤ of the devastating ‌reality of gambling addiction. His ​courageous confession serves as a wake-up call, highlighting the importance of responsible gambling practices and the need for⁤ greater⁣ awareness about the risks of ⁤addiction.

As we acknowledge Norbi’s bravery in sharing his story, we must ⁣also recognize‍ the ⁣importance of supporting those affected by addiction. By working‌ together, we can break‍ the stigma surrounding addiction and⁤ provide a safe and supportive environment for those seeking ‍help.

Additional Resources

If you or someone ‍you‌ know is ‌struggling with gambling addiction, there are resources available to⁣ help. The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) provides a helpline and online support resources for ⁣those affected by gambling addiction.

Remember,​ addiction is not⁤ a sign of‌ weakness, but rather a sign of strength to seek help. By speaking out and seeking support, we can overcome the challenges of addiction ​and live healthier, happier⁢ lives.

– What are the warning signs of gambling addiction as illustrated in Norbi’s story?

The Devastating Consequences of Gambling Addiction: Norbi’s Story

Gambling addiction is a serious issue that can affect anyone, regardless of their background or social status. In a recent interview, Polish singer and presenter Norbi spoke candidly about his struggles with gambling addiction, comparing it to alcoholism and warning others of its dangers. Norbi’s story serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of gambling addiction and the importance of seeking help.

A Life of Turmoil: Norbi’s Struggle with Gambling Addiction

Norbi, a well-known figure in Polish show business, rose to fame in the 1990s with his hit song “Kobiety są wesele.” At the height of his success, he performed up to 200-300 concerts a year, traveling by helicopter between performances. However, behind the scenes, Norbi was struggling with a serious addiction. He became hooked on gambling, and his addiction took a toll on his personal and professional life.

In a recent interview with the Sport Channel, Norbi opened up about his struggles with gambling addiction. He described how he became hooked on the thrill of winning, with small bets gradually increasing to enormous sums of money. “It just got me hooked and my hand itched like crazy. And then those 5 zlotys became 100, 200, 500, 1000, 10,000, then you brought 20,000, then 30,000,” he revealed.

Norbi’s addiction was not just a personal struggle; it also had a significant impact on his career. He lost his job at Polish Television, a development that he attributed to the change of government.

The Long-term Effects of Gambling Addiction

Norbi’s story highlights the long-term effects of gambling addiction, which can be devastating. Some of the most common consequences of gambling addiction include:

  1. Financial Ruin: Gambling addiction can lead to significant financial losses, with many individuals accumulating large debts or even resorting to illegal activities to fund their addiction.
  2. Strained Relationships: Gambling addiction can put a strain on personal relationships, causing feelings of guilt, shame, and anxiety.
  3. Mental Health Problems: Gambling addiction is often linked to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.
  4. Legal Problems: Gambling addiction can lead to legal problems, including fraud, theft, and other criminal offenses.
  5. Loss of Employment: As in Norbi’s case, gambling addiction can lead to job loss, further exacerbating the individual’s problems.

The Importance of Seeking Help

Norbi’s story serves as a warning to others, highlighting the dangers of gambling addiction and the importance of seeking help. If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, it’s essential to seek professional help. Some of the steps you can take include:

  1. Seeking Counseling: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a effective form of counseling for treating gambling addiction.
  2. Joining a Support Group: Joining a support group, such as Gamblers Anonymous, can provide a sense of community and accountability.
  3. Avoiding Triggers: Avoiding triggers, such as casinos or online gambling sites, can help to prevent relapse.
  4. Seeking Professional Help: Consulting with a mental health professional or addiction specialist can provide guidance and support.

Norbi’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the devastating consequences of gambling addiction. His bravery in speaking out about his struggles is a testament to the importance of seeking help and raising awareness about this serious issue. By sharing his story, Norbi hopes to warn others of the dangers of gambling addiction and encourage those struggling to seek help.



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