Caught antler collector wanted to push hunters into a steep forest in Upper Styria

A 61-year-old was caught by a hunter collecting so-called dropping sticks from male red deer or roe deer. The Upper Styrian, masked with a balaclava, then wanted to push the hunter over a steep forest. He fought back and pinned the attacker to the ground, the police said on Thursday. Alarmed police officers arrested the Styrian.

According to the police, the incident occurred in a forest area in Wasserleith near St. Marein near Knittelfeld (Murtal district). The local hunters had already become aware that someone was apparently securing antler parts in this area. On Wednesday morning, a hunter from Murtal saw the masked man in the area of ​​a game feeding area. The hunter identified himself as a supervisor. The masked man, who had two antlers with him, then tried to escape and push the hunter into the steep terrain.

Amount of damage: around 10,000 euros

The police arrested the 61-year-old – in addition to the attack on the hunting supervisor, taking antlers is also an offense under the Criminal Code. He was taken to the Leoben prison. The Upper Styrian partially confessed. According to his own statements, he stole the dropping rods from deer enclosures due to financial difficulties (damage amounted to around ten thousand euros). He did not admit to the accusation that he wanted to push the hunter. The hunter suffered minor injuries and was treated as an outpatient at LKH Knittelfeld. Police officers seized another 19 drop poles at the 61-year-old’s home. The man is believed to have taken the antler parts with him since 2019.


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