Catholic Church asks Claudia Sheinbaum for dialogue: seven proposals

Catholic Church asks Claudia Sheinbaum for dialogue: seven proposals

MEXICO CITY.- Within the framework of the protest of Claudia Sheinbaum as president, next October 1, The Catholic Church called on him to establish permanent dialogue and reminded him of the seven proposals promoted by the Dialogues for Peace.

“From the Church in Mexico we express to President Sheinbaum our willingness and commitment to dialogue that allows us to build a better country,” he noted.

“Dialogue must start from the truth, committed to justice and aimed at peace“continued the clergy.

Dialogues for peace: proposals to Claudia Sheinbaum

Los Dialogues for Peace They brought together more than 25 thousand people, including academics, experts, politicians, but they included the voices of those who have been victims of violence.

The seven proposals emerged after the loss of priests Joaquín Mora and Javier Camposin Cerocahui, Chihuahua:

First point that the Catholic Church highlighted is to develop care policies as a condition for peace with a focus on human rights and gender, aimed at build and strengthen social fabrics; create safe environments and restore the value of life, giving priority attention to children, adolescents and youth.

Second point es strengthen municipal policeconnect them with the justice system and other public forces so that they contribute to the investigation, the care of the territory and the gradual withdrawal of the military in public security functions is possible.

Improve the administration of justice in the country

Third point: renew the system de procurement and administration of justice at the federal and state level, so that it has the capacity to investigate and autonomy to resolve cases.

Fourth point is to undertake a thorough reform of the penitentiary system so that the State regains control of prisons, prevents acts of corruption and extortion and acts within the framework of the law to protect the rights of people deprived of liberty, their families and prison staff.

Fifth point is to promote a strategy with an assigned budget that strengthen the safety and well-being of adolescents in its risks associated with addictions, organized crime and illicit economies.

Sixth point: promote democratic governance that protect municipal governments from criminal economies and have the conditions to develop programs in favor of security, justice and peace with broad participation of civil society.

Address the human rights crisis

Seventh point: attend to the country’s human rights crisis into four priority themes: reality of the disappeared, the violence against womenviolence against people in mobility and the autonomy of indigenous peoples.

“These are seven actions that begin with seven verbs that, together, describe the service vocation of good governmentand that we believe is the time to promote: develop, strengthen, renew, undertake, promote, drive and serve.

“Seven verbs that, we believe, come together through a solid strategy: dialogue. May this time, which begins this October 1st, be a time of dialogue that opens the way to building a better country,” he noted.

#Catholic #Church #asks #Claudia #Sheinbaum #dialogue #proposals
2024-09-29 18:40:31



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