Catalyst Theft: The Rising Menace in Bas-Saint-Laurent and Across Canada

2023-06-05 20:49:21

Catalyst thefts are on the rise across the country, and Bas-Saint-Laurent is no exception.

“In certain periods, we had one or two replacements per week, which is a lot,” explained David D’Astous of NAPA AutoPro in Rimouski.


Catalyst thefts rose 60% across the country last year, according to a report by Allstate Insurance. This is a phenomenon on the rise, because since 2018, flights have exploded by 1710%.

“It certainly costs more than a thousand dollars, depending on the model of the vehicle and the damage,” added David D’Astous. Often, what is around the catalyst is not spared during the flight.

Since 2020, the price to replace a catalyst has exploded by 81%. Thieves are mainly looking for the precious metals inside, such as platinum and palladium, which have excellent resale value on the black market.


“Labour, cost of part, cost of materials: these are all up-and-coming businesses. Something that might cost less than $1,200 is made three times more expensive,” said Martin Tannous of Allstate Insurance.

Garage owners and insurers recommend that you park your car in a safe place, such as a garage. Otherwise, it is recommended that you park in a well-lit area.

#Thefts #catalysts #scourge #BasSaintLaurent



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