Cat Typhus: Vaccination and Sterilization for Maximum Protection

2023-08-13 09:02:42

Cat typhus mortality can reach 90% of cases for vulnerable or unvaccinated felines. The virus is transmitted by contact and can remain active for several years. “ It can for example be carried under shoes or through stray cats”, emphasizes Patricia Couturier. 3 P’tits chat-rentais has implemented a strict health protocol, and no longer adopts felines until the situation has stabilized. “ All cats for adoption are in foster care, she specifies, and those with symptoms are in quarantine “. To enter the structure, each volunteer is forced to put on overshoes and sterile clothing.

Vaccinate and sterilize to protect

Strict precautions are also taken at the Veto 16 veterinary clinic, where “ unvaccinated animals with suspicious symptoms are discarded “, specifies Morgane Faure, liberal veterinarian within the structure. Faced with this situation, the health professional insists: “ If there’s one message to get across, it’s that it’s important that people get their cats vaccinated. The average cost of a consultation with vaccination varies between 50 and 80 euros according to the veterinarians. Kittens may need two injections given a month apart to be effectively protected. Another important gesture: sterilization. “ There are too many unsterilized stray cats in Angoulêmepoints out Patricia Couturier. They are born in atrocious conditions and can be vectors of diseases. »

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