Casino Sanremo, women’s candidacy for the Board of Directors by October 22nd – Gioco News

The Sanremo Casino Chronicles: Gender Balance and the €16,000 Dilemma

Ah, Sanremo! Land of picturesque landscapes, melodious tunes, and, apparently, a sinking ship of a Casino that’s in dire need of a new crew member. The Municipality of Sanremo has just launched a public notice: they’re on the hunt for a female board member to join the illustrious, and let’s be honest, rather bare-bones board of the Casino di Sanremo Spa. It’s a bit like trying to fill a lifeboat with only half the oars – but, you know, with a lot more glamour and possibly more sequins. The real kicker here? The previous female member, Lucia Artusi, has resigned, likely after coming to the devastating realisation that you can only gamble so much with the odds stacked against you in a boardroom—or maybe just didn’t fancy being the only woman in an all-male chamber of gaming enthusiasts.

Two Men and a Resignation: The Casino Board Dilemma

At present, the board consists of just two dignified souls: the president and CEO Gian Carlo Ghinamo, and the council member Eugenio Nocita. Now, that’s not exactly the world’s most riveting membership. There’s got to be more happening in a discount ticket line at a theme park than in that boardroom. We’re told the legislation regarding gender balance is paramount, which means they need a woman to balance the man’s odds… because let’s face it, who doesn’t like a bit of drama, especially when it involves employing someone with a bit of sass?

This scintillating search for a woman ends, however, with some rather stringent guidelines. Only women need apply, of course, but they must not be currently holding any other public office – it’s like telling someone they can only use one hand to play blackjack. It’s just not fair! And, if you think you might have monitored a gambling house abroad, best of luck elsewhere; you’re out too!

Compensation Confusion: What’s in a Number?

Now, let’s get to the juicy part: how much will the new board member fetch? We’re graced with some complicated answers that make you think winning at poker is a lot easier. The annual compensation is hinted to be €16,000—like finding a nice piece of fruit in a scrapheap. But, there’s a catch: does that same remuneration apply to our new lady in the hot seat? It seems like a bit of a gamble itself, especially since the sole director just happens to be the one raking in €24,000 a year. There’s more discrepancy here than at the roulette table on a bad night!

Let’s not forget the actual figures – during a recent shareholders’ meeting, they established a pay scale that looked like a mathematical nightmare—but hey, at least it doesn’t add up to zero, unlike the pensioned Nocita! The current compensation layout suggests our soon-to-be new recruit will earn a grand total of €16,000 unless she’s also retired. In that case, she’ll be wielding her influence as a board member for the thrilling price of absolutely nothing! Talk about a tempting offer that will have you rolling in the aisles, or maybe just rolling your eyes!

Wrapping Up: Who Wants to Play?

In conclusion, the Municipality of Sanremo is on a mission to fill a seat, and our charming Casino seems to be drumming up excitement in its own unique way—albeit a bit clumsily. The application deadline is set, but will any bold woman step up to the plate, armed with nothing but a penchant for gaming thrills, a whole lot of cheek, and a willingness to embrace this puzzling series of operations? We’ll all be watching with bated breath—and possibly ready to place bets on whether it’ll be another male-dominated affair, or perhaps a surprise twist that could make even the Casino’s lights look pale in comparison!

After the publication at the end of August, which contained some inaccuracies, the Municipality of Sanremo ha “public notice for the acquisition of applications for the designation of member of the Casino companyafter, following her appointment as councilor, Lucia Artusi had submitted her resignation from the position held within the Gaming House.

In recent months, in fact, the Casino Board of Directors is made up of only two members: the president and CEO Gian Carlo Ghinamo and the councilor Eugenio Nocitawith the consequent need to reconstitute its entire composition, also taking into account that the “legislation regarding gender balance in the bodies of publicly controlled companies” must be respected and that therefore “a female member will be designated as the least represented within the board of directors of the Società Casino di Sanremo Spa”.

The application must be submitted no later than 12.30 pm on 22 October 2024 and evidently only women can apply, remembering, as stated in the notice, that “furthermore, the following cannot be appointed members of the board of directors: a) holders of elective and/or administrative offices in public bodies which contribute to the distribution of the gaming proceeds; b) the auditors and employees of the entities referred to in the previous point a); c) administrators, employees and consultants of other Italian or foreign gaming houses; d) the consultants and employees of the Company”.

THE COMPENSATION – As regards the compensation that will be paid to the new member of the Board of Directors, all that remains is to rely on article 3, although perhaps not entirely exhaustive. In fact it states that “the compensation of the sole director of Casino di Sanremo Spa is set at 16,000.00 euros per year as established by the Shareholders’ Meeting with minutes dated 28 April 2023“, without specifying whether this treatment also applies to the “simple” members of the Board of Directors and also equating the role of sole director and that of managing director.

In reality, if you take the trouble to check the minutes of the meeting cited in the notice, perhaps you will find some clarifying elements.
As stated in the minutes, in fact, the meeting resolves “to establish the remuneration of the Directors (…), in the following measures: to the president of the board of directors € 24,000.00 (twenty-four thousand euros/00) gross per year, to the Councilor Avv Artusi €16,000.00 (sixteen thousand/00 euros) gross per year, and to the Councilor Dr. Nocita €0.00 (zero/00 euros), as a pensioner, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 175/2016, and so for a total of €40,000.00 (forty thousand euros/00) gross per year” and it therefore seems to be understood that the new component will receive 16 thousand euros gross per year (unless he is retired, in which case he will only be able to carry out his role free of charge), as indicated in the notice, but not “as sole director”, a figure currently not present on the Board of Directors while there is CEO who receives 24 thousand, always before tax.



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