Case filed for protest and vandalism at K Electric office in Liaquatabad FC area – Pakistan

Residents of Liaquatabad in Karachi surrounded and vandalized the office of K Electric in FC area during the protest against power cut, K Electric registered a case.

Protesters shouted slogans outside the K Electric office. The agitators also tried to enter the IBC Centre.

The agitators climbed the walls, also broke the windows of 2 vehicles, heavy police force was called to disperse the protesters.

The participants of the protest said that 14-hour loadshedding is being done in the area, due to which severe problems are being faced.

Photo. News today

Demonstrators said that there are small children in the house, life has become difficult due to long load shedding in extreme heat.

However, the police dispersed the protestors and ended the protest.

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The police have started the process of identifying the persons involved in the vandalism with the help of CCTV.

#Case #filed #protest #vandalism #Electric #office #Liaquatabad #area #Pakistan
2024-07-02 23:13:57

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