Carving the rumen..One cup before bedtime to blow up and burn body and belly fat. You will lose 20 kilos in a month without exercise.

Drink it in Ramadan for 30 days to lose belly and rumen. Abdominal and rumen are problems that cause inconvenience to many people who suffer from excess weight, because the abdomen and rumen change the shape of the body, and many believe that it is not possible to get rid of the excess fat accumulated in the body, which causes many problems. Health, and many who suffer from excess fat accumulated in the body, especially the rumen and buttocks, are looking for a natural recipe that can be used to get rid of excess weight without the need to follow a specific diet.

Cumin and cinnamon recipe to blow up the rumen and abdomen in Ramadan within 30 days

The cumin and cinnamon recipe is one of the best recipes that help get rid of any accumulated fat in the body, turns the body into a fat burning tool, helps improve metabolism, reduces appetite and thus helps in eating less calories, and contains many fibers that Fills the stomach and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, and the recipe can be prepared as follows:-

  • Put a sliced ​​lemon in a glass and put a spoonful of cumin powder on it.
  • Put on the mixture a hanging of cinnamon and a quantity of mint leaves, and put a cup of water on them.
  • The mixture is left for a whole day in the refrigerator until its ingredients are homogeneous, and it is eaten daily on an empty stomach or before breakfast in Ramadan.

How to get rid of the rumen easily with pomegranate peel

To get rid of excess weight, you can use a pomegranate drink, but in addition to using the drink, you should reduce the intake of food that contains a large proportion of sugar and fat, and be careful to eat vegetables and fruits, and drink water in a large amount to get rid of fat. Pomegranate peel can be used to make a natural drink as follows:-

  • A quantity of pomegranate peels is cleaned and placed in the sun until it dries completely and is crushed well until it becomes like a powder.
  • Put a spoonful of pomegranate peel powder, put a spoonful of dry coriander, and put a cup of warm water on them.
  • Drink this drink twice a day and any body fat will be eliminated.



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