Carsten Linnemann: CDU General Secretary wants to completely cut citizen’s allowance for more than 100,000 people

Germany Carsten Linnemann

CDU General Secretary proposes to completely cut citizen’s allowance for over 100,000 individuals

Status: 5:15 AM

CDU party conference with board elections

Carsten Linnemann (CDU) aims to reform the citizen’s allowance

Source: dpa/Andreas Arnold

CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann believes that those unwilling to take a job should have their basic social security completely revoked. He also states that participation in government will be contingent on how much of his party’s agenda can be successfully implemented.

DAccording to CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann, the Union will not engage in governance after the next federal election “at any cost.” He shared this view with the newspapers of the Funke media group, stating, “In this election, the issues will be more significant than they have been in decades. We will also condition our participation in the government for the next legislative period on this,” he explained. His party must gain sufficient strength to implement its agenda.

Linnemann assesses the likelihood of early elections to be approximately 30 percent. He identifies the further progression of passing the federal budget for 2025 as a possible catalyst for this. “This budget is highly questionable. It could destabilize the coalition,” he commented, referring to the traffic light coalition led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

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The next regular federal election is anticipated to take place on September 28, 2025. In recent polls, the Union has consistently garnered around 30 percent or slightly higher, outperforming all other political rivals.

The CDU and CSU will jointly decide on a candidate for chancellor in early autumn, Linnemann emphasized. He does not consider the age of party leader Friedrich Merz, who will turn 70 shortly after the election, to be a determining factor. “Whoever becomes the Union’s candidate for chancellor must be genuinely committed. This is the most critical criterion for me.”

Linnemann proposes cutting citizen’s allowance for over 100,000 individuals

Linnemann also supports entirely cutting the citizen’s allowance for more than 100,000 individuals. “Statistics indicate that a significant number of people are fundamentally unwilling to accept a job,” Linnemann told the Funke media group newspapers. “If an individual is fundamentally unwilling to accept a job, the state must assume that they do not require assistance. Cutting benefits by ten, twenty, or thirty percent is insufficient. In such cases, basic security must be fully revoked.”

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Linnemann mentioned that this also applies to Ukrainian refugees receiving citizen’s allowance. “The Ukrainians also defend our freedom. However, receiving benefits comes with obligations. This includes taking up work.” He believes there is “clearly” a lack of incentives in this matter. He acknowledges exceptions for single parents or those caring for relatives. Citizen’s allowance serves as basic security for job seekers. Basic security for retirement or in cases of incapacity to work, such as due to illness or disability, is separate from this.

Linnemann praised the federal government’s initiative to tighten regulations for citizen’s allowance recipients. “I believe it’s positive that the traffic light coalition intends to take a first step regarding citizen’s allowance. Nevertheless, we need a fundamental policy shift – towards a new basic security,” he asserted.

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The federal government aims to implement stricter rules to encourage more citizens receiving benefits to seek employment. In the future, longer commutes will be deemed reasonable, and refusing suitable work will result in increased benefit cuts, while engaging in illegal work will also lead to reductions in benefits.

CDU General Secretary Proposes Complete Cut of Citizen’s Allowance for Over 100,000 People

Status: 05:15 am | Reading time: 3 minutes

CDU party conference with board elections

Source: dpa/Andreas Arnold

Carsten Linnemann, CDU’s General Secretary, advocates for the complete elimination of the citizen’s allowance for those who do not show willingness to accept employment. He argues that the state should not support individuals unwilling to work.

Deputy General Secretary Carsten Linnemann declared that the CDU will set strict conditions for its participation in the government following the next federal election. In statements made to the Funke media group, he emphasized that “the content will be more important than it has been for decades.” The CDU intends to leverage its political strength to effectively implement its agenda. This approach is part of a strategic shift to ensure a strong foundation for governance.

According to Linnemann, there is an approximately 30% chance of early elections, which could be catalyzed by the contentious federal budget for 2025. He expressed concerns regarding the current coalition’s budgetary plans, describing them as “dubious,” suggesting they might destabilize the coalition led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

Proposed Cuts to Citizen’s Allowance

Linnemann’s most controversial proposal includes completely cutting off the citizen’s allowance for over 100,000 people deemed unwilling to accept jobs. He stated, “The statistics suggest that a six-figure number of people are fundamentally unwilling to accept a job.” He contends that the government should not consider such individuals as in need of support, thus warranting drastic benefit cuts rather than merely reducing the allowance by a percentage.

Inclusion of Refugees in Reforms

Interestingly, Linnemann has extended his proposal’s scope to include Ukrainian refugees receiving citizen’s allowances, arguing that this demographic must also adhere to employment expectations. He acknowledged that while Ukrainians defend freedoms in their homeland, they too should contribute towards their support. Unsurprisingly, this statement has sparked significant debate regarding the treatment of refugees within the welfare system.

Federal Government’s Agenda on Welfare Reforms

The federal government is moving towards stricter regulations for citizen’s allowance recipients, aiming to motivate individuals toward employment. The proposed measures include:

  • Encouragement of longer work-related commutes.
  • Increased penalties for refusal of reasonable job offers.
  • Punishments for engaging in illegal work.

Public Reaction and Implications

Linnemann’s plan has elicited mixed reactions from the public and social commentators. Proponents argue that his approach could address long-standing welfare dependence among certain groups, while opponents warn of the ethical implications of denying support to those facing barriers to employment. Expert opinions on this divisive matter continue to emerge as the CDU positions itself for upcoming elections.

The Path Ahead for CDU

Looking forward, the CDU must gain the support necessary to effectively challenge the current government’s policies while espousing its ideals. Significant discussions regarding the party’s chancellor candidate will take place in early autumn, where leadership experience and the willingness to champion CDU’s objectives will be crucial factors in determining the party’s next steps.

Potential Alternatives and Recommendations

As the CDU seeks reforms aimed at enhancing employment through stringent eligibility criteria for citizen’s allowance, there are alternatives that could be considered to balance support and work incentives:

  • Skill Development Programs: Investing in job training and reskilling initiatives could aid individuals facing employment barriers, fostering long-term self-sufficiency.
  • Support for Transition: Providing financial support during the job application process can ease the transition from welfare to employment.
  • Partnership with Employers: Collaborative efforts between the government and local businesses could create job opportunities tailored to welfare recipients.


Through Carsten Linnemann’s ambitious proposals and the CDU’s forthcoming strategies, the landscape of citizen’s allowance in Germany faces potential transformation. While these policies aim to foster a culture of work, the discussions surrounding welfare reform highlight the delicate balance required to support vulnerable populations. The CDU’s approach may redefine how social security is perceived and structured in the future, making it imperative for the party to articulate its vision transparently and effectively to constituents.

Key Proposed Reforms Description
Complete Cut of Benefits Proposal to eliminate citizen’s allowance for those unwilling to work.
Stricter Regulations Increased penalties for refusal to accept reasonable job offers and illegal work.
Integration Measures Encouragement for Ukrainian refugees to fulfill employment requirements.



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