Carrie Fisher’s Final Film: Wonderwell Release Date and Behind-the-Scenes Stories

2023-06-15 19:06:55

The release date for Carrie Fisher’s latest film has been announced.

The film – titled Wonderwell – is set to hit US theaters on June 23, Deadline reported on June 14. The project will also be available digitally.

The film’s release comes almost seven years following the actress Star Wars suffered a fatal heart attack in 2016, aged 60.

Carrie Fisher had finished filming Wonderwell six weeks before her death and was preparing to reprise her role as General Leia in what would become Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.

Vlad Marsavin, the director, revealed that the film took seven years to see the light of day due to the unexpected death of Carrie Fischer, the Covid-19 pandemic and visual effects difficulties following filming. “It’s the perfect time to share Carrie’s magical on-screen moments as Hazel,” Vlad Marsavin told Deadline. Carrie was full of energy during filming and even celebrated her 60th birthday with us in Italy, where we shot the film. His death was very difficult for the whole team. »

Wonderwell is presented as a “modern fairy tale”. The film also stars Rita Ora, Megan Dodds and Vincent Spano.

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