2023-12-06 11:07:48
“Faced with the soaring prices of food and basic necessities, more and more French people are having difficulty paying their bills, particularly in the event of unforeseen events leading to a loss or reduction in their income,” indicates the group in a press release.
In concrete terms, how does that work ?
To “protect household food budgets during life events which can generate loss of income”, indicates Carrefour with the “Parisian”, the group is launching two formulas corresponding to two levels of guarantee.
The first, called “Courses protect”, allows for 2.90 or 3.90 per month to have a voucher of 75 to 150 euros every month in the event of incapacity or loss of job. In the event of severe disability or loss of autonomy, compensation may amount to 500 euros.
The second formula, “Budget protect”, for which you have to pay 5.90 or 8.90 euros per month, the aid increases to 300 and 500 euros monthly in the event of incapacity or loss of employment and up to 1 000 euros in the event of loss of autonomy. All these vouchers are only valid in Carrefour stores.
Finally, Carrefour has also implemented an “inflation booster”. If inflation starts to rise once more, the amount of aid and vouchers will then be readjusted.
For who ?
These guarantees are open to all customers of the brand, aged 18 to 80, whether they are students, active or retired. Furthermore, CNP Assurances assures the “Parisian” that there will be no “medical selection” to be able to benefit from it.
#insurance #shopping #launched #Carrefour