Carpentras Hospital, behind the scenes of emergency entrance “triage”

2024-09-04 03:45:02

At 1:30 pm on Monday, August 12, emergency paramedics from Carpentras (Vaucluse) placed a barrier at the entrance and closed the door. Since then, every day after lunch, the service has stopped caring for patients who don’t really need to go to the emergency department. in other words, « Bobologi »as the doctor said. On Friday, August 30, the physical barriers were removed in the face of patient dissatisfaction. But the agreement decided this summer remains in place. Time is time, afternoons and evenings, and only circumstances deemed imperative will pass.

We have to find a way to alleviate the pressure a little bit, and Carpentra’s emergency room is facing a medical shortage with only five “full-time” first responders when it actually needs ten to twelve. From now on, the entrance is “Regulated”like many services in the country that have implemented this system, this has not been without serious reactions from patients, who retain the idea of ​​closure behind the word in the first place.

“It’s silly to say emergency rooms are closed. We’re not closing when we have sixty aisles a day.”Repeated Pierre Pinzelli, interim director of the institution and head of the Avignon Hospital Center. of “Adjustment” The need for this new operation, which will be implemented within the next three months, has been decided.

Pierre Pinzelli, interim director of the Carpentras Hospital Center (Vaucluse), in the hospital conference room on August 30, 2024.

He explained that after 1:30 pm to 8:30 am, only patients requiring hospital technical support (imaging, biology or surgery (sutures, drainage installation, etc.)) or life-threatening emergencies will be admitted. Others are redirected. The rule may seem simple, but there is nothing obvious about it, as it raises certain fundamentals for these services, the “entrance door” to a hospital and sometimes the only medical “open door” to an area questioned.

“Educate people”

“Psychologically, for a doctor, that lets you know that after 1:30 p.m. it’s not flowing consistently anymore.”” Mathilde Winter, director of the emergency department, explained as she walked through the corridor of the department that the department was too small compared with the number of patients who had doubled in the past 20 years, and that it was being expanded by nearly 1,000 square meters. area.

In recent months, “non-urgent” patients have been waiting six hours, seven hours, eight hours… “We found out someone arrived at 6pm but didn’t see them until 2am! »she described. The atmosphere was unbearable at times. New actions must also be able to“Educate people”we hope in the ranks of emergency doctors: angina, a sprain from three days ago, a urinary tract infection… didn’t happen in the emergency room.

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#Carpentras #Hospital #scenes #emergency #entrance #triage



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