Carola Schouten is already disappointing

Carola Schouten is already disappointing

Rotterdam’s New Mayor: A Tale of Anticipation and Disappointment

March 10, 2026: Mark your calendars, ladies and gentlemen! A date that will live in infamy! Or at least until the end of the mayoral term. It’s a day of mixed emotions for our dear friends Carmen, Amrish, Adilson, Michelle, and Luurt. The air is thick with expectations, but what do they say about expectations? Right, they make an ‘expect’ out of you and me!

Meet Carola Schouten: The New Face of Rotterdam

So, who is this Carola Schouten who’s been handed the ceremonial chain of office like a prize in some twisted beauty pageant? She stepped into the enormous shoes of Ahmed Aboutaleb, a man who had the port city singing his praises for nearly 16 years. Expectations were sky-high! People wanted the moon, the stars, and… well, a few speed bumps and some decent housing. Let’s face it, the Dutch have their priorities straight. Speed bumps and housing first, everything else is just fluff! Sorry, are we still talking about a mayor?

“Mayors are in charge of the process. Not ‘are we doing the right things’ but ‘are we doing things right'”

Reality Check: What Does a Mayor Really Do?

Here’s the rub, folks! You see, despite the shiny office and the ribbon-cutting ceremonies, mayoral power in our system is about as substantial as a chocolate teapot. Carola isn’t exactly rolling up her sleeves and pulling on work boots. Housing? Safety? Paving stones? You might as well be asking her to build a rocket to Mars!

Our civic structure is designed in such a way that decisions concerning the bread-and-butter issues—like those loose paving stones that make every two-step feel like a dance on a minefield—fall into the laps of the municipal council. The mayor’s job? Well, that’s all about the process, darling! It’s like being on a reality show about cooking when all you get to do is decide how the kitchen’s organized.

The Disappointment Index

But let’s talk about these poor, disheartened citizens first. I mean, can you blame them? They watch the news and see shining images of their new mayor, and suddenly, they have ludicrous expectations that she’s going to whip out her magic wand and fix the chaos of their daily commutes. But alas, she’s just as helpless as the rest of us when it comes to the nitty-gritty. If you’re hoping for bombings and issues of road safety to vanish overnight, you might want to check out a fairy tale rather than your municipal council!

It gets trickier when media outlets, such as NOS, amplify the myth that a single person holds the keys to solve our societal woes. Let’s set the record straight: in our parliamentary system, we don’t hand over our fate to the whims of one individual. No, no! Our collective disgruntlement is meant to be discussed and bickered over in a council meeting somewhere! Can you imagine the council members staring at each other, pushing stones back and forth with ‘big ideas’ that ultimately lead back to the status quo?

Civic Responsibility – No Freebies!

It’s time for all involved to grasp the concept of democratic responsibility. The truth is, mayors don’t have the same clout as they do in presidential systems—this isn’t America with the ‘rock star’ mayors, nor is it Germany with their charismatic leaders. Here, folks, we’re all about institutions, not individuals. So let’s keep our hopes realistic and our expectations grounded.

Sure, it’s tempting to point fingers and think that Carola Schouten has the answers. But she, like all mayors, is more of a conductor than a soloist in this civic orchestra. And when a local conductor fails to turn up the right tunes, it’s not her fault; it’s the whole ensemble that needs a good, old-fashioned rehearsal.

Final Thoughts: Building Bridges, Not Roadblocks

Ultimately, let’s cherish the reality of our democracy. It’s as glamorous as a brew in a thrift shop but solid as Dutch architecture. Instead of placing individual burdens on one person’s shoulders, let’s embrace the democratic process where every voice—including that of poor Carmen, Amrish, Adilson, Michelle, and Luurt—counts. After all, if we’re going to navigate this rocky road, let’s do it together, one jiggly speed bump at a time!



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