Carnival 2023 should boost digital market revenue

Carnival 2023 will not only be the ideal occasion for revelers to miss the festivity following the years of social isolation caused by the pandemic, but also an opportunity for the market. Local businesses, e-commerces, the tourism sector and even the digital market should be positively impacted by the commemorative date.

According to the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC), Carnival is expected to generate R$ 8.18 billion in revenue, 29.9% more than last year.

According to the same survey, the sectors that should capture most of the revenue are bars and restaurants, transport and accommodation, respectively. It is worth mentioning, however, that the digital market, especially niches related to Carnival, will also have the opportunity to reinforce their brands, attract more access and generate revenue.

For website owners, MonetizeMore’s Latam customer growth & loyalty director, Italo Mingoni, explains that it is time to create relevant actions and content to attract and retain users on the site. For those whose business is not directly connected with Carnival, the trick is to be creative in relating the site’s theme to seasonality, with the intention of pleasing frequent readers and attracting new visitors.

“Building content that relates to the theme can be a possibility to ‘surf the wave’, even if it is not part of the same niche. As an example, those who have a website that talks regarding cars can create content regarding ‘vehicle maintenance before leaving for Carnival’”, he says.

He warns, however, that a drop in traffic is expected for most sectors not directly related to Carnival. That’s because the focus of the user on this holiday is to rest and/or celebrate – which makes many of them move away from the internet.

“As such, it is more difficult and costly to find users, either organically or through paid media. We cannot assume that the year of digital only starts following Carnival, but we must take into account the seasonality of the date to adapt”, guides Mingoni.

Whether for local businesses, e-commerce or the digital market, the key to strategically taking advantage of seasonality is planning ahead. For those who have a website and earn revenue from ads, it is important to have the website ready to receive more visits on the seasonal dates that make the most sense for the business. This, however, is a job that needs to be developed throughout the year, and not just in a specific period, as explained by Gabriel Antoun, sales director at MonetizeMore.

“For those who don’t have a consistent strategy throughout the year, it’s no use getting close to the commemorative date and starting to run out of time to be able to prepare. Seasonalities are profitable for those who have a website that is prepared to receive high volumes of traffic and organized so that the ads are very visible and well organized”, he guides.

For website owners who want to prepare their inventory for seasonality, AdOps platforms are available on the market, which are tools capable of protecting and scaling ad revenue.

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