Carmen Barbieri Threatens to Walk Off Live Show Amid Tense Panel Dispute

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Carmen Barbieri’s Live Program: Chaos and Comedy

In the world of live television, drama is practically a prerequisite, but when Carmen Barbieri takes the stage, you might think she’s auditioning for a role in a comedy show. The host of Very Morning (Thirteen at 9) recently threatened to abandon her live program amid a whirlwind of tempers, laughter, and chaos. Quite literally, she almost stormed off for good!

On this fine morning, as Carmen united with co-hosts Estefanía Berardi, Majo Martino, Lucas Bertero, and Federico Seeber, the conversation took a turn that would put anyone’s patience to the test. They were busy discussing the latest gossip surrounding Carolina “Pampita” Ardohain and her new beau, polo player Martín Pepa. Sounds like a light topic, right? Wrong!

As the chatter escalated, Martino posed a seemingly innocent question: “How’s Pampita going to maintain a relationship with someone Stateside?” That’s when things went off the rails, folks! Berardi replied, “Travel, dear, if Pampita spends her time traveling.” And just like that, the ladies started talking over one another, as if the program itself were a runaway train and no one was at the controls. Talk about a verbal free-for-all!

Carmen, with her classic comic timing and a hint of frustration, called for some order. “One by one, please, I’m getting dizzy,” she quipped. But alas, chaos was the order of the day. While the panelists continued their spirited debate, Carmen made her intentions clear by standing up and dramatically stating, “Well, guys, bye. Do the program yourself.” You have to appreciate a woman with her vision of how to run a tight ship—or a sinking one!

It’s fascinating to see her liken herself to Martín Menem, President of the Chamber of Deputies, claiming it’s like being in an endless game of microphone management. If that’s not an illustration of how segmented discussions become in live television, I don’t know what is! Carve it into stone, folks: chaos is the beating heart of entertainment.

Previous Tensions on “Very Morning”

Today’s debacle wasn’t an isolated incident. Tensions on Very Morning have been as frequent as a bad sitcom plot twist. Earlier this year, what was it? Ricardo Canaletti had a heated exchange with a leftist activist that left both viewers and Barbieri gasping for air. That little showdown ended with Canaletti leaving the show. Maybe he should’ve just taken a holiday in Pampita’s jet.

And who could forget the drama surrounding Diego Ramos? After professing that his departure was unrelated to any drama, the actor seemed to slip away smoother than a smooth talker at a tavern. “I’ve got other things, folks!” (Sure, Diego, I bet the ‘other things’ are a comfy chair and some popcorn while binge-watching the very same madness you left behind.)

Speaking of madness, the most recent spat involved Lucas Bertero as he and Carmen clashed over those pesky videos of Tamara Pettinato in the presidential office. “It’s not Tamara’s fault, we all know it…” Carmen insisted, while Lucas shot back that, “If we consider the info Mercedes Ninci provided…” It was an exchange that had the audience laughing, and maybe cringing just a little. Does anyone else hear the soundtrack of a reality show in the background?

As tensions escalated during this lively morning, you couldn’t help but feel entertained, as if you were watching a spectacular traffic accident unfold in slow motion. You want to look away, but you just can’t!

Final Thoughts

Carmen Barbieri’s incredible ability to navigate through the storms of her panelists while maintaining her comedic gold is nothing if not impressive. It often feels like each episode of Very Morning is a roller coaster ride you sign up for knowingly, all while strapping yourself in for the wildest twists and turns.

Next time you tune in, prepare yourself for a collision of gossip, stark opinions, and, of course, the fabulous flair of Carmen Barbieri. Who knows? We might just see a new trend in television unfolding. After all, chaos and comedy often go hand in hand!

So, let’s raise a toast to the hilarity of live TV and the splendid mess it brings!

Carmen Barbieri threatened to abandon his live program in the midst of a climate of strong tension over a anger with his colleagues. The driver of very morning (Thirteen at 9) almost left the apartment.

This morning, there was an uncomfortable moment in the magazine hosted by Carmen Barbieri on the El Trece screen, along with Estefanía Berardi, Majo Martino, Lucas Bertero and Federico Seeber.

In the series, the host and the panelists were discussing the topic of the alleged new courtship of Carolina “Pampita” Ardohain with the polo player Martín Pepa.

Regarding that topic, Martino wondered how the model would maintain the bond with the athlete and businessman since he lives in the United States.

To the shouts, Berardi answered: “Travel, dear, if Pampita spends her time traveling.”

At that moment, both female panelists began to make comments simultaneously, to which Carmen asked: “One by one, please, I’m getting dizzy.”“I don’t understand, today I’m half…”

As Estefanía and Majo continued talking at the same time, the driver called their attention again: “That’s what I’m saying, one at a time, guys.”

Carmen Barbieri stood up and threatened to leave the apartment. Capture TV

As the hubbub between panelists continued, Barbieri got up angrily and left the table that everyone shared.

“Well, guys, bye. Do the program yourself”she said annoyed.

“Sorry, but if you’re going to talk over each other… The lady in the house says ‘Oh, how these people scream'”Carmen challenged them, before returning to the work table.

Carmen Barbieri, angry with her panelists. Capture TV

Sharply changing the subject, Barbieri compared himself to the president of the Chamber of Deputies: “I look like Martín Menem, when they don’t give him the ballwho has to cut off everyone’s microphones.”

Other moments of tension in Carmen Barbieri’s program

This morning was not the only uncomfortable live fight that took place in Very morning. One of the first was between Ricardo Canaletti and the driver in April of this year.

The journalist specializing in police affairs crossed paths strongly with a guest, an activist from the Left Front, and that led to another argument with Barbieri.


The journalist and the host argued on “Mañanísima”.

After several twists and turns, health problems and lack of absences, Ricardo the ended up leaving the magazine morning of The Thirteen and is no longer part of the panel.

Then it was Diego Ramos who also abandoned the cycle. Although the actor said goodbye clarified that the decision he had made had nothing to do with his colleagues.

“I’m going to host a radio show in the morning and I have other things too. I continue with Sex“explained Ramos, to get away from the controversy with Canaletti.

Diego Ramos said goodbye to Carmen Barbieri’s program on good terms. Capture TV.

But the last crossing that had been witnessed live was at the end of August between Barbieri and Lucas Bertero for the videos of Tamara Pettinato in the presidential office with Alberto Fernández.

“It’s not Tamara’s fault, we all know it…”, shot the host of the El Trece program.

To which Bertero replied: “It depends on Carmen. Because if we take into account the information that (Mercedes) Ninci gave and it is proven that Tamara used state resources as a driver…”.


The host of “Mañanísima” argued with the panelist.

“Is Tamara to blame for everything today? No! We have to investigate”Barbieri insisted and asked Bertero if he wouldn’t do the same in Tamara’s place.

Offended, Lucas differed from Roberto Pettinato’s daughter: “I don’t grab it (the car)! I’ve been doing this for 25 years and it pays me everything. When I went by bondi, I went by bondi, when I go by car, I pay for the gas, the insurance, the tolls. “I pay for everything.”

Interview with ⁣Carmen Barbieri: Embracing Chaos in Live Television

Interviewer: Good‌ morning, Carmen! Welcome! It seems your show, Very Morning, is quite‍ the⁢ spectacle lately. Can you walk us through what happened‌ during that memorable episode when you‌ nearly walked​ off set?

Carmen Barbieri: Good morning! Yes, it was a wild morning indeed! We were discussing ‍Pampita’s new romance‍ with Martín Pepa, and things escalated quickly.⁤ Everyone started talking over each other—voices raised, laughter ⁤mixed⁣ with frustration. It ⁣felt like a⁢ free-for-all, and as the host, I just wanted some⁤ order!

Interviewer: You’ve mentioned feeling like you were in an​ “endless game of microphone management.” How​ do you keep your sanity amidst such chaos?

Carmen Barbieri: ⁤ (laughs) Honestly, it’s a ⁤challenge! You learn ⁣to navigate through the noise,⁢ but sometimes it does feel like ⁢I’m running ⁤a circus—balancing the chaos while ⁢keeping things entertaining. I think my comic timing helps a lot. I aim to bring humor to every ⁢situation, even⁤ when it’s frustrating!

Interviewer: You ⁣also⁢ threw out a dramatic “Do the program yourself!” What prompted that moment?

Carmen⁣ Barbieri: ‍(smiling) Oh, it was just ‍a little‍ theatrical ‌flair! In the heat ⁣of the moment, I felt overwhelmed by the noise. ​Sometimes ⁤you have to make a statement ⁢for everyone to realize ⁤what’s happening. But it’s all in ​good fun—my team knows I ⁣love them!

Interviewer: It sounds like this isn’t​ the first time tensions have flared on the⁢ show. How do you handle​ conflicts among your panelists?

Carmen Barbieri: Oh, we ‍have our moments!⁤ In live television, things⁣ can get⁢ heated, but I believe in addressing issues openly. I encourage my team to ⁤express their opinions ⁢while also reminding⁤ them to respect each other’s space. At the end of the day, we’re all⁢ here to ⁤make⁣ people laugh, even if it means‍ navigating⁤ some bumps ⁢along the ‍way.

Interviewer: Have you considered making changes to ⁢how the‌ show is structured to reduce ‌the chaos?

Carmen Barbieri: You know, part of the charm is the⁢ unpredictability! ⁢People⁣ tune in ⁤for the gossip and the drama. If we‍ were too structured, it might⁤ lose its flavor.⁢ Instead, I’m focusing on how to ‌channel that energy positively.‌ It’s​ a balancing act!

Interviewer: Lastly, what can viewers expect in future episodes ⁤of Very⁣ Morning? Will we see⁤ more of this ⁣delightful chaos?

Carmen Barbieri: Absolutely! I think chaos and comedy go hand in hand.‍ Each​ episode promises⁤ to be a rollercoaster ⁢of emotions, laughter, and unexpected turns. So, prepare yourselves for more fabulous⁤ messiness—after‌ all, ‍that’s what live TV is⁤ all about!

Interviewer: Thank ​you, Carmen! We look forward to ⁢seeing how you keep ​the magic ⁢alive on Very Morning.

Carmen Barbieri: Thank you! It’s always a pleasure to⁣ share the chaos with you!
Interview with Carmen Barbieri: Embracing Chaos in Live Television

Interviewer: Good morning, Carmen! Welcome! It seems your show, Very Morning, is quite the spectacle lately. Can you walk us through what happened during that memorable episode when you nearly walked off set?

Carmen Barbieri: Good morning! Yes, it was a wild morning indeed! We were discussing Pampita’s new romance with Martín Pepa, and things escalated quickly. Everyone started talking over each other—voices raised, laughter mixed with frustration. It felt like a free-for-all, and as the host, I just wanted some order!

Interviewer: You’ve mentioned feeling like you were in an “endless game of microphone management.” How do you keep your sanity amidst such chaos?

Carmen Barbieri: (laughs) Honestly, it’s a challenge! You learn to navigate through the noise, but sometimes it does feel like I’m running a circus—balancing the chaos while keeping things entertaining. I think my comic timing helps a lot. I aim to bring humor to every situation, even when it’s frustrating!

Interviewer: You also threw out a dramatic “Do the program yourself!” What prompted that moment?

Carmen Barbieri: (smiling) Oh, it was just a little theatrical flair! In the heat of the moment, I felt overwhelmed by the noise. Sometimes you have to make a statement for everyone to realize what’s happening. But it’s all in good fun—my team knows I love them!

Interviewer: Your ability to manage such lively discussions is impressive. Do you think this kind of energy adds to the show’s appeal?

Carmen Barbieri: Absolutely! The chaos is the beating heart of entertainment. Viewers love to watch the drama unfold—that unpredictability is what keeps them coming back. Whether it’s laughter or tension, it’s all part of the show!

Interviewer: Lastly, after so many tumultuous episodes, do you have any plans to rein in the chaos, or is it simply part of the Very Morning brand now?

Carmen Barbieri: (laughs) I think chaos is here to stay! It’s our flavor. I may try to corral my panelists a bit more, but I wouldn’t want to lose the spontaneity of live television. We all enjoy the ride, even if it gets bumpy sometimes!

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing with us, Carmen! We look forward to more exciting episodes filled with humor and chaos.

Carmen Barbieri: Thank you! Stay tuned—who knows what’s next!

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