Carlos Cáceda penalties VIDEO Melgar vs. Inter, this is how the Peruvian saved in the round to go to the semifinals Copa Sudamericana 2022 | SPORTS

Carlos Caceda holding in his hands the illusion and hopes of an entire people to show him the face of glory, of ecstasy and feel in his chest that pride of being Peruvians. The goalkeeper of Melgar has managed to save three consecutive penalties once morest International, in a definition that led the red and black team to advance to the semifinals of the South American Cup. ¡LOOK AT THE VIDEO!

SEE ALSO: Melgar qualified for the South American semifinals and eliminated Inter on penalties [VIDEO]

The ‘Pantera‘ arrived confidently at this definition, the blow to his knee was not of concern, despite the fact that it was applied with an aerosol analgesic. In the first penalty, the goalkeeper chose the left side of him and took advantage of the shot from Edenilson It was not so powerful to be able to use both hands and contain the shot.

After the penalty scored by Kenji Cabrera for Melgar, Carlos Caceda Again, he waited until the last moment to choose his right post this time and with one hand deflected Taison’s shot, who sought the power to secure the goal, but did not count on the Peruvian’s technique.

Carlos Cáceda saved three penalties that gave way to the semifinals of the South American (Video: Directv Sports)

in the third penalty Carlos Caceda decided to choose his left side once more, despite the fact that it was the affected knee, however, the goalkeeper decided to choose one last effort to ensure classification and he did it once once more with two hands to bag the shot from Charles of Pena.

Melgar vs Internacional: THE PREVIEW

Set red and black showed a good performance in the match played last week at the UNSA Monumental stadium where he showed superiority, but might not find the goal that would allow him to have one tonight in Porto Alegre and its main mission is to keep the bow undefeated and seek that forcefulness shown in the previous phases.

The ‘Domino’ box led by Pablo Lavallen He found it difficult to organize his eleven in the first match once morest the ‘Colorados’. For this duel he has also presented complications, such as those of Luis Iberico who following a strong flu process has not been able to complete the last training sessions.

SEE ALSO: Carlos Cáceda stretches like a cat and avoids the goal that Internacional sang [VIDEO]

On your side, International hopes to break an attendance record in South American Cup and reach 45,000 spectators, which is the maximum capacity of the Beira Río stadium. Mano Menezes has a doubt in the midfield and it would be to choose between Alan Patrick and Mauricio. while it was known that striker Mikael will be the novelty among the concentrates.




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