Carinthian ÖVP board: “Unanimous yes to the coalition with the SPÖ”

Land party board of the Carinthian ÖVP agrees to cooperation with SPÖ. VP-Gruber: “The coalition is a good decision for Carinthia and the people who live here.”

Klagenfurt After two weeks of intensive negotiations between the ÖVP team and the representatives of the SPÖ, further cooperation in Carinthia is certain. The state party executive of the Carinthian People’s Party voted unanimously today for the coalition with the SPÖ and the agreed priorities. State party chairman Martin Gruber thanked the board for the approval and also for the work of the members of the negotiating team. “These were professional discussions with a lot of experience and expertise,” says Gruber. “I would also like to thank the SPÖ representatives, we maintained a respectful and appreciative approach.”

The detailed results of the intensive negotiations are now being written down in the government program. Gruber informed the state party executive today regarding the priorities. “In the future, the ÖVP will bear more responsibility in Carinthia for the location, sustainability and energy,” says Gruber. “In particular, when it comes to energy, courageous steps and speed will be required – as the ÖVP we are ready for this.” In the future, the ÖVP will be responsible for the areas of energy and regional planning, including energy subsidies.

The ÖVP also assumes responsibility for a strong economic department in order to make Carinthia more crisis-proof and independent. The ÖVP is also responsible for the infrastructure with the roads, all mobility and public transport and also broadband in the new legislative period. Agriculture and forestry, regional development, rural areas, hunting and fishing remain in the responsibility of the ÖVP. There is joint responsibility with the SPÖ for personnel agendas, location marketing and strategic state development.

In the future, Gruber will hold the position of deputy governor. Sebastian Schuschnig will continue to take over the second seat of government. “The agreement with the SPÖ is good for the country, the people who live here and for the further development of Carinthia,” said Gruber in conclusion to the coalition. “Our state has so much more potential than some give it credit for. This coalition will provide proof of this over the next few years.”

Questions & contact:

ÖVP Carinthia

8 May Street 47/2
9020 Klagenfurt am Woerthersee
Tel.: 0463-5862-0



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