Caretaker Premier Takes a Stand: “Safe Harbour for No Insurrectionists

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar said that we will never allow any organization or group to take up arms and challenge the writ of the state.

Talking to the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Peshawar, he said that the armed forces and the police have made eternal sacrifices in the war against terrorism, and the federal and provincial governments are trying to implement the National Action Plan.

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar said that 90 thousand people in Pakistan gave their lives against terrorism, but some people say why should I pay more taxes? Some people consider stealing and smuggling as their right.

Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar further said that the dream of Pakistan was a big dream and its interpretation is not so easy, for it one has to sacrifice wealth, life and children, then one secures one’s future.

The Caretaker Prime Minister said that one generation sacrifices and settles future generations, we have to make this decision now, we have sacrificed one generation, but have we secured the future generations?

Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar said that on one hand 90 thousand people are giving their lives while on the other hand a few people are asking for the right of trafficking. And the answers are not available and if the answers are attempted, there is a reaction from different quarters.

Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar said that due to the timely actions of the government, the value of the US dollar has decreased, the help provided by the army in preventing smuggling and hoarding is commendable.

The Prime Minister emphasized that smuggling and corruption will not be tolerated at all, people residing illegally in Pakistan are being sent back, but it should be kept in mind that legally residing foreigners do not face any problem in this regard. don’t be

Apart from this, he paid tribute to the police soldier who fought the terrorists and said that brave men like Umar Saeed are protecting the nation like an iron wall.

The Caretaker Prime Minister congratulated the young man Umar Saeed from Swabi for his bravery and also gave a reward of 5 lakh rupees. He said that the culture of the people of the province has a sincere commitment to power, I have seen honesty in the people here.

#organization #group #arms #challenge #writ #state #Caretaker #Prime #Minister

Analysis: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq‌ Kakar’s ‌Stance on ‍Terrorism and Governance

In a recent statement, Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar emphasized the​ government’s commitment to not allowing any ⁤organization or group to challenge the writ ⁣of the state by ‍taking up ‌arms. This statement comes at ⁤a time when⁤ Pakistan is grappling with various security and governance issues. As a‍ blog news writer, I would like to analyze the context and implications of Kakar’s statement.

Kakar’s⁢ statement on terrorism and the sacrifices made by the ‍armed forces and police is a⁣ reminder of the country’s long-standing struggle against terrorism. ‌According to Kakar, 90,000 people​ in Pakistan have lost their lives⁣ in the ⁤fight against‍ terrorism [[3]]. This staggering number highlights the gravity​ of the situation⁤ and the ⁤need for a coherent and effective counter-terrorism strategy.

The Prime Minister’s mention of the National Action Plan is also noteworthy. The plan, which aims to counter terrorism and extremism, has been in place⁢ for several years, but its implementation​ has ‍been patchy at best. Kakar’s statement suggests⁣ that the ⁣government⁢ is committed to implementing the plan, ⁣but the effectiveness of this effort remains to be seen.

Interestingly,⁣ Kakar​ also ⁢touched upon the ⁤issue of missing persons, a highly contentious topic in Pakistan. In a recent court hearing, Kakar stated that⁢ blaming the state for missing persons was not justified [[2]]. This statement has sparked ⁣controversy, with many‌ arguing that the state has a responsibility to‍ protect its citizens and provide answers about the whereabouts of‍ missing persons.

Kakar’s government⁢ has also been critical of foreign interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs.​ Recently, Kakar accused Baloch militants of being funded ‍by RAW, the ‍Indian intelligence agency [[1]].⁣ This accusation highlights the complex web ​of geopolitics and terrorism in the‍ region and the ⁤need for a nuanced ​approach to counter-terrorism.

Caretaker ⁤Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar’s statement⁤ on ‌terrorism and the writ of the state is a timely reminder of the challenges facing Pakistan. While the government’s commitment to combating terrorism is laudable, the effectiveness of⁢ its efforts remains to ​be seen. The implementation of the National Action Plan and⁣ the government’s response to issues like missing persons and foreign interference‍ will be crucial in determining the⁢ success of its counter-terrorism strategy.







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